Peter Anderson

Professor of Classics
Graduate Faculty Member (2011-2020)
Professor Anderson is testing the fundamental belief of the Department of Classics and CLAS that a humanities degree prepares you for a range of careers and a lifetime of innovative success and happiness. After a quarter century of teaching, professional success, and much joy found with his students and colleagues, Peter has left academia to start up a consulting firm for leadership development and coaching. His firm Inner Citadel Consulting [] offers a range of evaluation, development, and coaching services for organizations within and outside higher education, focused on Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness leadership development. He still reads some Latin or Greek every day and loves to hear from former students. He still also consults on language acquisition and tutors Latin and Greek. You can reach Peter personally at or professionally at
Research Areas: Seneca, Roman Stoics, Martial, Latin Pedagogies and Cognitive Aspects of SL Acquisition.
BA, MA University of Ottawa/Université d'Ottawa
PhD (Greek & Latin Philology) University of Cincinnati
"Backward Mapping and the New Standards" Teaching Classical Languages 8.2 (2018)
"Catullus, Selections" in Latin Lyric and Elegiac Poetry: An Anthology of New Translations, 2nd edition. Diane J. Rayor and William Batstone, EdD. Routledge. (2018)
“Heracles' Choice: Thoughts on the virtues of print and digital commentary.” in Classical Commentaries: Explorations in a scholarly genre. C.S. Kraus and C.A. Stray, EdD. Oxford University Press (2016).
(2015) Seneca: Selected Dialogues and Consolations. Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis.
(2015) "De Providentia" in Introductory Readings in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, 2nd edition. edited by C.D.C. Reeve and Patrick Lee Miller. Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis.
(2013) Prokope: Digital Commentary Project (a TEI xml text & commentary of Martial’s Epigrams Book 10)
(2011) “Form-focused Teaching for the Intermediate Latin Student” Teaching Classical Languages 2.1 (with student Mark Beckwith)
(2011) “Absit Malignus Interpres: Martial's Preface to Book One of the Epigrams and the Construction of Audience Response to Epigram." in Emotion, Gender, and Genre in Antiquity, D. Munteanu, ed. London: Duckworth
(2010) review of William Fitzgerald Martial: The World of Epigram. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. Classical Journal 105.3
(2007) review of Rosario Moreno Soldevila, Juan Fernández Valverde, Enrique Montero Cartelle, Marco Valerio Marcial. Epigramas. Volumen II (Libros 8-14). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2005. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.07.31
(2006) review of Gretchen Reydams-Schils The Roman Stoics: Self, Responsibility, and Affection. The Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. in Classical Bulletin 82.2, 280-282.
(2006) "Martial 1.29: Appearance and Authorship" Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 149.1: 119-122
(2005) "A Verse-scrap on a kylix by Epiktetos", TAPA 135.2:267-277