The Program in Classics
The Department of Classics offers a major and a minor program in Classics.
Students majoring in Classics select one of three emphases: Classical Languages, Classical Studies, or Latin Secondary Education. Although all three combine the study of language and classical culture, they differ in focus and aim.
Major and Minor Programs in Classics
Cultural Core Requirement (including Capstone):
Students majoring in classics complete 6 credits of instruction in a sequence of courses intended to introduce them to the interdisciplinary dimension of classics and to provide detailed instruction in selected methods of inquiry and particular aspects of Greco-Roman civilization.
All Classics majors take:
- CLA 195 - Introduction to Ancient Greece and Rome (Credits: 1) ordinarily by the end of their sophomore year.
- CLA 395 - Research Methods in Classics (Credits: 2) by the end of their junior year.
- CLA 495 - Notions of the Classics (Capstone) (Credits: 3) during their senior year.
Language Core Requirement:
Students majoring in classics complete Intermediate language study in either ancient Greek or Latin, typically by taking GRK 202 - Intermediate Ancient Greek II (Credits: 3) or LAT 202 - Intermediate Latin II (Credits: 3).
Those commencing language study typically fulfill the Bachelor of Arts Cognate Requirement through three semesters of study in GRK/LAT 101-102-201 (12 credits).
Others may satisfy these requirements through language placement administered by the Department of Classics; they must nevertheless complete the 30-credit minimum through additional coursework in the major.
Students majoring in Classics select one of three emphases: Classical Languages, Classical Studies, or Latin Secondary Education. Information about each emphasis is available in the tabs below.
Consult the GVSU Catalog for detailed program information:
Classics - program description
Classics major
Classical Languages emphasis
Classical Studies emphasis
Latin Secondary Education emphasis
Classics minor
The Classical Languages emphasis offers a course of undergraduate study in classics that stresses the languages and literature of the classical world.
Students electing the Classical Languages emphasis ordinarily study one language (either ancient Greek or Latin) to an advanced level and the other language to at least the intermediate level.
Requirements for a major in Classics, Classical Languages emphasis
Information about the Cultural Core and Language Core requirements for all emphases within the major is available in the first tab above.
- At least 18 credits of instruction in ancient Greek (GRK) and Latin (LAT), including at least 6 credits in one language at the 300 level or above.
- At least 3 credits of instruction in any course in Classics (CLA), in HNR 222 - Classical World II Credits: 3, or in an approved substitute.
Consult the GVSU Catalog for detailed program information:
Classics - program description
Classics major
Classical Languages emphasis
Classical Studies emphasis
Latin Secondary Education emphasis
Classics minor
The Classical Studies emphasis offers a course of undergraduate study in Classics that investigates Greco-Roman civilization from a range of perspectives and subject areas.
Students electing the Classical Studies emphasis select courses at an advanced level across the program curriculum.
Requirements for a major in Classics, Classical Studies emphasis
Information about the Cultural Core and Language Core requirements for all emphases within the major is available in the first tab above.
At least 15 credits of instruction at the 300 level or above in at least two of the following areas.
- Archaeology:
- CLA 350 - Issues in Classical Archaeology (Credits: 3)
- Cultural Studies:
- CLA 301 - Re-imagining the Classics (Credits: 3)
- CLA 302 - The Stages of Greek and Roman Drama (Credits: 3)
- CLA/PHI 311 - Ancient Great Philosophers (Credits: 3)
- CLA 315 - Ancient Religion (Credits: 3)
- CLA/WGS 325 - Body, Gender, Sexuality in Antiquity (Credits: 3)
- CLA 365 - Stoicism, Identity and the Happy Life (Credits: 3)
- CLA 367 - Thinking Like a (Roman) Lawyer (Credits: 3)
- Ancient Greek (GRK) or Latin (LAT) at the 300 level or above.
At least 6 credits of instruction in any courses in Classics (CLA), in HNR 221 - Classical World II (Credits: 3) and HNR 222 - Classical World II (Credits: 3), or in an approved substitute.
Consult the GVSU Catalog for detailed program information:
Classics - program description
Classics major
Classical Languages emphasis
Classical Studies emphasis
Latin Secondary Education emphasis
Classics minor
The Latin Secondary Education emphasis offers prospective Latin teachers preparation in Latin comprehension and instruction and in classical civilization at a level consistent with state and national norms.
These students work within both the Department of Classics and the College of Education. While the College of Education is ultimately responsible for overseeing the certification process for students, the Department of Classics is responsible for overseeing the major and for recommending qualified students for admission to the College of Education.
Requirements for a major in Classics, Latin Secondary Education emphasis
Information about the Cultural Core and Language Core requirements for all emphases within the major is available in the first tab above.
- At least 18 credits of instruction in Latin (LAT) at the 300 level or above, 3 of which must be LAT 353 - Latin Prose Composition Credits: 3.
- At least 3 credits of instruction in any course in Classics (CLA), in HNR 222 - Classical World II Credits: 3, or in an approved substitute.
Consult the GVSU Catalog for detailed program information:
Classics - program description
Classics major
Classical Languages emphasis
Classical Studies emphasis
Latin Secondary Education emphasis
Classics minor
The Classics minor is designed to be flexible and to serve students with an interest in the classical world whose plans do not allow them to complete the major.
At the same time, work done toward the minor is completely and seamlessly transferable toward the major, should an opportunity arise to do so.
Requirements for a Minor in Classics
All Classics minors take:
- CLA 195 - Introduction to Ancient Greece and Rome (Credits: 1)
- CLA 395 - Research Methods in Classics (Credits: 2)
- At least 6 credits of instruction in either ancient Greek or Latin at 200 level or above.
- At least 9 credits of instruction at the 300 level or above in at
least two of the following areas.
- Archaeology:
- CLA 350 - Issues in Classical Archaeology (Credits: 3)
- Cultural Studies:
- CLA 367 - Thinking Like a (Roman) Lawyer (Credits: 3)
- CLA 365 - Stoicism, Identity and the Happy Life (Credits: 3)
- CLA/WGS 325 - Body, Gender, Sexuality in Antiquity (Credits: 3)
- CLA 315 - Ancient Religion (Credits: 3)
- CLA/PHI 311 - Ancient Great Philosophers (Credits: 3)
- CLA 302 - The Stages of Greek and Roman Drama (Credits: 3)
- CLA 301 - Re-imagining the Classics (Credits: 3)
- Ancient Greek (GRK) or Latin (LAT) at the 300 level or above.
- Archaeology:
- At least 3 credits of instruction in any course in Classics (CLA), in HNR 222 - Classical World II (Credits: 3), or in an approved substitute.
Consult the GVSU Catalog for detailed program information:
Classics - program description
Classics major
Classical Languages emphasis
Classical Studies emphasis
Latin Secondary Education emphasis
Classics minor
Students who plan on graduate work in Classics should be mindful that many graduate programs prefer to admit students who have completed at least one year of advanced work (at the 300 level and above) in both languages; such students should consider pursuing advanced study of the languages beyond the minimum requirements of the major.
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