Travel Warnings

COST coordinates teaching opportunities in countries spanning 6 continents and encourages students to be informed with real information when making their own risk assessment. 

COST in Mexico

On August 22, 2017, the U.S. Department of State updated its travel warning on Mexico. Keep reading for COST's decision to continue making placements in Mexico.

We believe that it is critical for U.S. colleges and universities to better understand the situation in Mexico and engage in dialogue to make appropriate decisions when allowing students to participate in COST's programs in Mexico. We have made an effort to review all available information and bring together on-campus and on-site colleagues to make appropriate decisions about where to offer placements in Mexico. 

In making this assessment, COST has considered the balance between the value of the academic and professional experience versus the risks associated with a given location/activity in Mexico which has led us to continue offering opportunities and encouraging students to participate in our Mexican programming. 

Students who elect to participate in our Mexico teaching opportunities may be required to sign an additional release with their home institution acknowledging the existence of the Travel Warning.  Contact your institution's COST Coordinator for more information about your institution's study abroad travel warning policy and how it applies to your participation in the COST program. 

Students who have received placement confirmation and voluntarily withdraw from a program that COST has NOT officially suspended will be responsible for all costs incurred up until that point. 

Page last modified June 25, 2024