Reported Phishing & Scams

If you see something, say something. Use the links below to report phishing, malware, or security issues. 

  Report Phishing  Report Malware  Report Issue or Incident 

Phishing Reported by the GVSU Community


IT Desk Maintenance TICKET ID #162953

  • Phishing
  • Scam Alert


Every student is expected to update their profile on the school database in order to be able to receive the instructions as regards the 2024 financial aid disbursement. Click/Copy and paste the link below to your browser and fill in correctly.


PS: Accounts not updated will be terminated after 48 hours


Avoid clicking on any phishing links. If you've clicked on a link or entered your credentials, change your password immediately and contact IT for assistance.

Submit IT Service Ticket Contact IT Support 

Page last modified August 16, 2024