Faculty & Staff Directory

The Education Faculty & Staff Directory allows you to search for specific faculty/staff in GVSU's Education Programs. Enter a keyword or name, or choose a Department or Program from the lists, and click the "Filter" button. See details for each person by selecting "View" next to their Department or Program(s).

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Education Faculty & Staff Directory

First Name

Last Name

Portrait of Karen Abraham


  • Visiting Professor

Office Address
482C DeVos

Office Phone

  • Literacy, Educational Foundations, and Technology

  • Literacy Studies


As a retired Michigan Public Schools teacher and administrator, my 31 years of service have been focused on literacy. As an elementary principal for 14 years, my leadership focused on growing teachers for West Ottawa Public Schools, Mona Shores Public Schools, and Whitehall District Schools. For five years I worked as Whitehall's Director of State & Federal Programs and Director of Literacy & Interventions, focused on improving literacy skills and instruction. I began teaching full-time for GVSU in the Literacy Studies program in January of 2023.

Literacy is my personal passion, and I am excited to work with future educators at GVSU.

Teaching Areas
  • Literacy Studies


  • EDR 320: Language and Literacy: Development, Assessment, and Instruction
  • EDR 621: Foundations in Literacy

  • M.A., Grand Valley State University
  • B.A., Hope College

Scholarly Interests & Research
  • Literacy and Reading
  • Teacher Education
  • Literacy Interventions
  • Assessment
  • Equity


Page last modified June 26, 2024