Faculty & Staff Directory

The Education Faculty & Staff Directory allows you to search for specific faculty/staff in GVSU's Education Programs. Enter a keyword or name, or choose a Department or Program from the lists, and click the "Filter" button. See details for each person by selecting "View" next to their Department or Program(s).

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Education Faculty & Staff Directory

First Name

Last Name

Portrait of Jen Vanderground


  • Affiliate Faculty

Office Address
478C DeVos

Office Phone

  • Literacy, Educational Foundations, and Technology

  • Literacy Studies
  • Reading


I have worked as a classroom teacher, a reading specialist, and as a private practice literacy instruction specialist. I thoroughly enjoy meeting students (of all ages), assessing comprehension, and mentoring them in their educational journey. In my current position at GVSU, I seek to teach the complexities of literacy by studying assessment practices and procedures useful in literacy instruction to all students in grades K-12.

Teaching Areas
  • Literacy Studies
  • General Education


EDR 320: Language and Literacy: Development, Assessment, and Instruction

EDR/EDS 323: Teaching Students with Language and Literacy Learning Difficulties

EDR 612/613: Reading Assessment: Elementary & Secondary Teacher

EDR 626: Field-Based Literacy Assessment for Learning

EDR 632: Field-Based Literacy and Language Interventions

  • M.A., Grand Valley State University
  • B.A., Cornerstone University

Academic & Professional Activities
  • Currently Enrolled in LETRS with an expected completion date of Spring 2024.
  • Overcoming Dyslexia Course taken at Yale University.

Scholarly Interests & Research
  • Student Motivation
  • Literacy and Reading
  • Teacher Education
  • Assessment
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Literacy Intervention Approaches


Page last modified June 26, 2024