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Education Faculty & Staff Directory

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Portrait of Lisa Perhamus


  • Associate Professor
  • Director, Padnos/Sarosik Center for Civil Discourse

Office Address
430C DeVos

Office Phone

  • Literacy, Educational Foundations, and Technology

  • Foundations


Perhamus received her Ph.D. in Education with concentrations in Curriculum Theory and Foundations of Education from the University of Rochester, her Master’s degree in Sociology with a concentration in Urban Education from The New School for Social Research, and her Bachelor of Arts degree from William Smith College. Her qualitative research asks questions about the human experiences of oppression across multiple contexts. She is particularly interested in how young children, their families and community members create emotional and material conditions of resiliency. Her teaching interests include anti-oppression education; the sociology of urban education; kinesthetic experiences of schooling; issues of race, class, gender and sexuality in education; and the role of civil discourse in community capacity-building. In her recent work, Dr. Perhamus has focused on the relationship between life narratives in the classroom, civil discourse and community-based public dialogues.

Dr. Perhamus was selected as GVSU's Inaugural Padnos/Sarosik Endowed Professor of Civil Discourse; is a recipient of GVSU's Early Career Scholars Grant, and the Burch, Jacobs & Moore Diversity Teaching Excellence Award; and was a Fellow for the James and Grace Lee Boggs Center for Nurturing Community Leadership. She serves as a reviewer for a number of refereed scholarly journals and national conferences in the field of Educational Research and is a member of the American Educational Research Association, the American Educational Studies Association and the American Sociological Association.

Teaching Areas
  • Foundations of Education
  • Anti-Oppression Education
  • Sociology of Education
  • Dialogue & Civil Discourse


  • EDF 315: Diverse Perspectives on Education
  • EDF/IDS 325: Learning from Detroit: Education and Community Revitalization
  • EDF 485: The Contexts of Educational Issues
  • EDF 672: Social and Cultural Foundations of Education
  • IDS 150: Dialogue Across Difference 
  • IDS 350: Detroit’s Public Dialogues: Listening Across Differences, Seeing Beyond Stereotypes, Talking Among Communities

  • Ph.D., University of Rochester
    (Program: Teaching, Curriculum & Change)
    (Concentrations: Curriculum Theory & Foundations of Education)
  • M.A., The New School for Social Research
    (Major: Sociology)
    (Concentration: Sociology of Urban Education)
  • B.A., William Smith College
    (Majors: English; Religious Studies)

Academic & Professional Activities
  • American Educational Studies Association (AESA)
  • Heterodox Academy
  • Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center
  • Listen First Project
  • Braver Angels

Scholarly Interests & Research

Perhamus, L. (Under Review). Biographic storytelling classrooms as a workaround to Critical Race Theory pushback. Journal of Controversial Issues.

Bailey-Fakhoury, C., Perhamus, L.M. & Ma, K.M. (2021). Feeling Displaced, Enacting Resistance: Race, Place, and Schooling in the Face of Gentrifying Forces. Urban Review. https://doi-org.ezproxy.gvsu.edu/10.1007/s11256-021-00608-z

Perhamus, L. (2020). Understanding health viscerally: The role of kinesthetic experience in defining health. Thresholds in Education, September.

Perhamus, L. & Joldersma, C. (2020). What might sustain the activism of this moment? Dismantling white supremacy, one monument at a time. Journal of the Philosophy of Education.

Joldersma, C. & Perhamus, L. (2020). Stealing an education: On the precariousness of justice. Teachers College Record, 122(2).

Perhamus, L. & Joldersma, C. (2016). Interpellating dispossession: Distributions of vulnerability and the politics of grieving in the precarious mattering of lives. Philosophical Studies in Education47, pp. 56-67.


Page last modified June 26, 2024