Faculty & Staff Directory

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Education Faculty & Staff Directory

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Portrait of Sean Lancaster


  • Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Professor

Office Address
3090 James H. Zumberge Hall (JHZ)

Office Phone

  • Literacy, Educational Foundations, and Technology

  • Learning, Design, and Technology


Sean Lancaster serves in the Office of the Provost as GVSU's Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs for Assessment, Accreditation, and Planning, and began his appointment in August 2022. His portfolio of responsibilities includes accreditation (i.e., GVSU is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission), assessment, and strategic planning. He also serves as an ex-officio member of the University Assessment Committee, which is part of the shared governance of the university.

Sean earned his Ph.D. in special education from the University of Kansas where he also earned his previous degrees. He has been at GVSU since 2000, earning promotion to associate professor in 2005, tenure in 2006, and then promotion to full professor in 2012. He is the recipient of the Pew Teaching with Technology Award, but also the Graduate Outstanding Teaching Award, and the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. Prior to his AVP role, he was a department chair for 6 years over Special Education, Foundations, and Technology and then over the Literacy and Technology Department.

Sean is a Research Fellow with the International Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute. He has rich history of scholarly publications and presentations, and his community service over the past decade has largely focused on disrupting patterns of inequity that exist in schools and classrooms.

Teaching Areas
  • Learning, Design, and Technology
  • Online instruction
  • Technology for Students with Disabilities

Scholarly Interests

  • Online Teaching and Learning
  • High-Leverage Teaching Practices
  • K-12 Students with Disabilities in Online Schools

  • Ph.D., University of Kansas
  • M.S., University of Kansas
  • B.S., University of Kansas

Academic & Professional Activities
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
  • Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Scholarly Interests & Research

Lancaster, S. J. C. (2022). Collective Work on Problems of Practice in Antiracist Practice-Based Teacher Education. American Educational Research Association - 2022 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Lancaster, S. J. C. & Lancaster, P. (2022). The Capacity for Equity and Antiracism Work Across Teacher Education. American Educational Research Association - 2022 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Niu-Cooper, R., Lancaster, S. J. C., & O’Hearn, K. (In Press). Being Proactive: Reconsidering the Word “Retention” for the Success of First-Generation College Students. Journal of Student Success and Retention.

Rice, M., Deschaine, M., Ortiz, K., Lancaster, S. J. C., & Mellard, D. (2020). Special Education Funding Flow Patterns in Virtual Schools. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 33(1), 3-13.

Lancaster, S. J. C. & Topper, A. (2019). Designing and Implementing a Student-Centered Online Graduate Program: A Case Study in a College of Education. In Boboc, M., & Koç, S. (Eds). Student-Centered Virtual Learning Environments in Higher Education (pp. 157-184). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5769-2 https://www.igi-global.com/book/student-centered-virtual-learning-environments/192040

Perhamus, L., Lancaster, S. J. C., & Lancaster, P. E. (2018, April). Teaching a Productively Disruptive Habit-of-Mind: Centering Justice Through a High-Leverage Practice in Teacher Preparation Programs. American Educational Research Association - 2018 Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Rice, M. F., Lancaster, S. J. C., Mellard, D. F., & Deschain, M. E. (2018, April). Current Policies to the Provision of Special Education Services in Fully Online Statewide Virtual Schools. American Educational Research Association - 2018 Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Topper, A. & Lancaster, S. J. C. (2016). Online graduate educational technology program: An illuminative evaluation, Journal of Studies in Educational Evaluation, 51, 108-115.

Topper, A. & Lancaster, S. J. C. (2016, October). Improving Student Participation and Learning in Asynchronous Online Discussions. 23rd Annual Conference for the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum.  Grand Rapids, MI.


Page last modified June 26, 2024