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Education Faculty & Staff Directory

First Name

Last Name

Portrait of Christina Ponzio


  • Assistant Professor

Office Address
482C DeVos

Office Phone

  • Literacy, Educational Foundations, and Technology

  • Literacy Studies


Building from my previous experiences as a secondary ELA/ESL teacher, ESL program coordinator, and literacy coach in Metro Detroit and teacher educator at Michigan State University, University of Michigan, and Wayne State University, I am committed to advancing equity, inclusion, and social justice in language literacy education for all learners through three principles:

  1. Preparing teachers to enact equitable, inclusive, and just language and literacy pedagogies requires the development of their critical consciousness of self and society. 
  2. Positioning teachers and learners alike as insiders within literacy communities involves teaching as an apprenticeship. 
  3. The development of teachers’ critical consciousness and empathy must result in bottom-up praxis or action. 

These three principles are central to my work as a teacher educator and researcher in the Literacy Studies program at Grand Valley State University.

Teaching Areas
  • Literacy Studies


  • Ph.D., Michigan State University
  • B.A., Michigan State University

Academic & Professional Activities
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Michigan Council of Teachers of English (MCTE
  • Michigan Reading Association (MRA)
  • National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE)

Scholarly Interests & Research
  • Bi/Multilingual Learner Education
  • Disciplinary Literacies
  • Teacher Education
  • Teacher Identity and Ideology
  • Teachers as Writers
  • Anti-Racist Organizational Change
  • Qualitative Research: (Auto)Ethnography, Discourse Analysis, Narrative and Poetic Inquiry, Self-Study

Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications

Limlamai, N. & Ponzio, C. M. (2023). Disrupting racism and white supremacy culture in a professional development organization. Currents, (3)1.

Van Gorp, K., De Costa, P., Ponzio, C. M., Her, L., Rawal, R. & Deng, M. (2023). Developing Critical Multilingual Language Awareness: Exploring the impact of coursework on preservice teachers’ language ideologies. Special Issue: Developing Critical Multilingual Language Awareness from Pedagogical Stance to Research-Based Practices: Global Perspectives. 

Limlamai, N., Ponzio, C. M., Esman, S., Zellner, A & Bush, J. (2023). Writing collaboratively, building antiracist organizational change. English Leadership Quarterly.

Recent Presentations

Briere, B., Jones, R., Limlamai, N., Oviatt, R., Ponzio, C. M., & Shahid, R. Continuing the marathon: An overview of MCTE’s “full-throttle history” to pursue antiracist organizational change in English education. Presentation accepted for the Michigan Council for Teachers of English Annual Conference: East Lansing, Michigan, October 2023.

Van Gorp, K., Ponzio, C. M., Her, L., Rawal, H. & Deng, M. The impact of critical multilingual language awareness coursework on preservice teachers’ language ideologies and practices. Paper accepted as a part of the Developing Critical Multilingual Language Awareness from Pedagogical Stance to Research-Based Practice colloquium for the American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference: Portland, Oregon, March, 2023.

Ponzio, C. M. Getting into the “flow”: Leveraging multilingual/multimodal resources through translanguaging. Presentation accepted for the Michigan Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference: Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 2022.

Ponzio, C. M., Robinson, N. & Webster, A. (Re)igniting our joy and purpose as equity-oriented English educators through collective self-study. Presentation accepted for the Michigan Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages Conference: Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 2022.

Robinson, C., Berends, J., Orr, S. & Ponzio, C. M. White graduate student responsibility in creating academic racial climate. Presentation accepted for the International Conference on Education and Justice: Online, October 2022.

My Current CV


Page last modified June 26, 2024