Frequently Asked Questions

The Graduate Teacher Certification (GTC) program receives numerous inquiries from post-baccalaureate students who wish to earn teacher certification. Those able to pursue this goal often become our strongest teaching candidates.

Post-baccalaureate programs are available at the graduate level in:

  • Elementary general education
  • Secondary general education

At the undergraduate level, programs are available in:

  • Elementary general education
  • Secondary general education
  • Elementary Special Education.

Both the Post-baccalaureate and undergraduate programs feature selective admission and require completion of all requirements. However, the programs differ in their suitability for individual candidates based on previous academic achievement, prior completion of requirements, life experience, and scheduling flexibility.


The program length varies from one year to three years of full-time study, depending on prior coursework.

Students following the undergraduate program may attend part-time or full-time on the Allendale campus; evening classes and off-campus offerings are also available, depending on choice of subject area.

The graduate program at the Pew Campus (located downtown Grand Rapids) typically requires full-time study with a cohort group for one year. Field courses for both programs, require two semesters of daytime participation.

Review the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) Academic Advising Center website for information about fulfilling course requirements.

Register to attend one of the information meetings conducted specifically for post-baccalaureate candidates. At the required information session, you will receive materials to help you obtain official advising, apply for university and program admission, and register for state testing. Email our Office of Certification and Accreditation for more information at

Page last modified December 13, 2023