Accessibility - Video and Audio

Video Closed Captions

If you have a student with a documented disability, please visit Disability Support Resources (DSR) for support and further information. DSR can also provide helpful assistance with solutions for video captioning.

Panopto Captioning

Panopto has an automatic captioner built into it. Videos created after 7/28/2021 will have automatic captions added to their videos with no extra steps. For videos created before that date, users must turn the captioning on in order for viewers to see them. To turn on captions, please follow this tutorial: Turning on Automatic Captions in Panopto

Only users with access to edit videos can create and edit captions. 

Editing Captions in Panopto

1. Hover over the video you want to edit the captions of, click 'Edit'

Select edit on the video you want to edit the captions of

2. In the Panopto video editor, click on the captions tab on the left side of the editor. 

Panopto's editing screen with a blue arrow pointing at the caption tab

     3. After captions are created you'll need to review them for accuracy. You may edit them by simply clicking on the text that you want to edit. The caption editor allows you to select text, remove and change words.

  • In ideal conditions, Panopto automatic captions are 75-95% accurate. It is highly recommended to make sure your captions are reviewed. 
  • If the video is playing and you click on the captions to edit, the video will replay from that point so you can check your accuracy. 



The Panopto caption editor showing you can edit captions by clicking on the words in the boxes

     4. Once your caption editing process is finished hit the 'Apply' button in the top right of the screen.

Arrow pointing to the apply button


  • Don’t solely rely on color to convey meaning. When categorizing something by color alone, those who are colorblind may not be able to tell the difference.
  • Make sure you are using contrasting colors. For example, using a dark gray on black is hard to see for those with low-vision. Make sure there is sufficient contrast between your background and fonts. When in doubt use this Color Contrast Analyzer to verify.

Page last modified July 29, 2021