The Grand Valley Emergency Management Advisory Committee (GV-EMAC) coordinates input into the development, evaluation, and maintenance of the University’s Emergency Management program. It is a multi-disciplinary, integrated, collaborative group of various university departments who provide strategic direction initiatives to enhance the emergency mitigation, planning, preparedness, and response priorities of GVSU.
The committee provides recommendations to maintain best practices across the university. It is advisory in nature and is not identified as having a functional role or responsibility during an actual event or incident. The overall authority and responsibility for university emergency preparedness rests with the President's Cabinet.
The committee reports, through its chairperson, to the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police will bring recommendations forward to the President's Cabinet as necessary.
The committee is responsible for:
- Continually analyze natural, technological, and human-caused risks in order to bi-annually review and update the university’s Threat Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA).
- Review and recommend updates to the University’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP).
- Facilitate the creation of the academic and business continuity plans needed to guide the University’s recovery from long-term disruption.
- Design and conducting internal exercises.
- Review the University’s emergency management program, and recommend updates.
- Review University performance in emergency responses and exercises to identify gaps in preparedness and response.
- Record minutes and distribute to its membership
The EMAC will meet at least four times annually. The Chair will circulate a request for agenda items prior to each meeting. Minutes will be kept of each meeting and will be circulated to the members. The committee may appoint workgroups to assist in carrying out its mandate, and dissolve them as necessary.