2024 Engineering Design Conference Honorees

Co-op Awards

Employer of the year

Employer of the Year: Gentex Corp.

Gentex Corp.

Faculty Advisor of the Year

Faculty Advisor of the Year: Dr. Catherine Molloseau

Dr. Catherine Molloseau

Student of the Year

Co-op Student-of-the-Year: Seth Konynbelt

Seth Konynenbelt



Supervisor of the Year

Co-op supervisor of the Year: Brett Gorby

Brett Gorby

Product Engineering Manager

Magna International

Want to learn more about the Co-op Awards? View the Co-op Award Information

Outstanding Graduate Awards

Biomedical Engineering

Cara Franke

Cara Franke

Computer Engineering

Seth Kokynenbelt

Seth Konynenbelt

Electrical Engineering

Sean Follo

Sean Follo

Interdisciplinary Engineering

Mason Simmet

Mechanical Engineering

Madeline Schubert

Madeline Schubert

Product Design & Manufacturing Engineering

Logan Heft

Logan Heft

Master of Science in Engineering

Aaron Mulder

Senior Project Awards

Outstanding Industry Sponsor

Koops, Inc. Logo

Koops Automation Systems

Outstanding Senior Project

Biopsy Device - Team 09

Sponsored by Inrad

People's Choice Senior Project

Page last modified August 8, 2024