Bogdan Adamczyk, Ph.D.

Dr. Adamczyk

Professor, Electrical Engineering

Office Address: 345 Kennedy Hall of Engineering
Phone: (616) 331-7286
Email: [email protected]

Field of Study: Electrical Engineering

Teaches: Dr. Adamczyk specializes in electromagnetics and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

Degrees: Dr. Adamczyk holds a BSEE and an MSEE from the University of Nevada, Reno, and a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from Oakland University in Michigan. Dr. Adamczyk is an iNARTE-certified EMC Master Design engineer, a founding member and the chair of an IEEE EMC Chapter of West Michigan. He has created an EMC precompliance laboratory at GVSU to support EMC courses and local industry.

Page last modified February 10, 2021