Dr. Chirag Parikh Publications

Journal Publications:

  • P. A. Patel and C. J. Parikh, IDEA Cryptographic Processor in FPGA, Special Issue of the Journal Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2005

Technical Publications:

  • P. Patel and C. Parikh, An Efficient Design and Implementation of DES and Triple-DES Algorithms, 18th International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CATA- 2003), March 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Chirag Parikh and Parimal Patel, Performance Evaluation of AES Algorithm on Various Development Platforms, Eleventh Annual IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, June 2007, Dallas, Texas.
  • Sunil Kashyap, Chirag Parikh and Parimal Patel, Implementation of an IEEE 802.11i based Wireless Security System, International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Communication Systems, July 2007, Orlando, Florida.
  • Barry Schulz, Christian Trefftz and Chirag Parikh, Opportunities for parallelism when implementing algorithms in VHDL ­ A Case Study, 2009 EIT Conference, June 2009, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
  • Chirag Parikh and Ben Bufford, Design and Implementation of FPGA RSA Engine, ISCA 23rd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (CAINE-2010), November 2010, Las Vegas, NV.

Pedagogical Publications:

  • Chirag Parikh and Bruce Dunne, Introducing a Hardware Platform in the Sophomore level C-programming Course, 2009 ASEE North Central Conference, April 2009, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
  • Bruce Dunne, Andrew Sterian and Chirag Parikh, Introducing Sophomore Engineering Students to Control Theory using Mobile Robots, 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 2009, Austin, Texas.

Page last modified March 16, 2021