Senior Project Team 06 - Grand Valley State University

2024 Engineering Design Conference

Project: CE MicroDisplay

Team Photo

Team Members

Elora Ferrie

Hector Garcia

Mitchell Hoeker

Ben Keil

Trinity Roodbeen

Justin Wolters

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Philip Hittepole

Dr. Ryan Krauss

Sponsor Advisors

Dr. Brian Krug

Dr. Chirag Parikh


The CE Micro Display project is aimed at constructing a functional microprocessor core model for public viewing and showcasing at engineering trade shows. This model will be recognized by experts as a microprocessor core, while appearing as abstract art to the layperson. The design is based on the Harvard architecture and will be composed of distinct "blocks," each representing different sections of the core.


To illustrate the flow of data through the microprocessor, the model will employ LEDs, allowing observers to track the movement of data as it processes through various operations, such as ADD, OR, and NOR. The data flow will be displayed at a rate that is easily observable, ensuring clarity in the representation of data processing.


The finished model will have an approximate footprint of 40”x40”x4”, making it a substantial and impressive exhibit. This project combines art and engineering, providing both aesthetic appeal and educational value.

Industry Sponsor

Our mission is to prepare students to meet the challenges of the modern world as engineering professionals who have the potential to become innovative leaders.

Project Overview

Project Overview Video

In-Depth Project Video

In-Depth Project Video

Vote for this project!

Text "6" to 616-441-4244 or at & enter event code 44529

Cast your vote between August 1st, 5:30PM and August 2nd, 3:30PM.

Each device is limited to one vote.

Page last modified August 1, 2024