Senior Project Team 18 - RoMan Manufacturing

2024 Engineering Design Conference

Project: Rogowski Coil Integrator

Team Photo

Team Members

Brett Daenzer

Emily Haddrill

Iris Kokalari

Gavin Meadows

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Brian Krug

Sponsor Advisor

Rod Duhaime


The objective of the project is to design and build an integrator for Rogowski coils. Rogowski coils receive a current input which induces a voltage from the coil proportional to the rate of change of the current. The integrator is capable of amplifying, integrating, and then converting the signal received from the coil into an AC current output. The output is proportional to the original current flowing into the Rogowski coil.

Industry Sponsor

Building a better world by transforming power and people.

Project Overview

Project Overview Video

In-Depth Project Video

In-Depth Project Video

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Text "18" to 616-441-4244 or at & enter event code 44529

Cast your vote between August 1st, 5:30PM and August 2nd, 3:30PM.

Each device is limited to one vote.

Page last modified August 1, 2024