American Sign Language Community Class. OPEN TO ALL. DEAF/ HARD OF HEARING INCLUSIVE
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Allendale Campus
Community, Staff, Students
The ASL Community Class is a student lead community focused non paid class. Anybody can come to this re occurring twice weekly class. The class is lead by a professional CODA ASL teacher: Austin Matlis. Austin creates a 1 hour class curriculum of deaf culture, deaf issues, vocab, fun activities, and making community connections. This is hosted by the Office of Multicultural Affairs and is planned to occur for the next two years.
HARD OF HEARING INCLUSIVE: We meet in Lake Huron Hall room 117. This active learning classroom environment was specially picked by the class organizers for its use of the hearing loop system. The hearing loop is ADA compliant system which transmits ambient audio to hearing aid systems. This class is not ASL immersed and there is significant amounts of spoken word segaments. The hearing loop is compatible with hearing devices with telecoils (most hearing aids have telecoils). For more information see here:,hearing%20aid%20compatibility%20via%20telecoils.
Location Information
Lake Huron Hall 117.
Download parking map for the Allendale Campus
Contact Information
Mae Zurita,
Hosting Department, Organization, or Business
Office of Multicultural Affairs
antiableism asl communications community culture deaf disability hardofhearing inclusion oma
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