Night Against Procrastination

Thursday, April 11, 2024
8:00 p.m.
Allendale Campus

Running overnight from 8 p.m. April 11 until 2 a.m. April 12, the Night Against Procrastination is an international event devoted to combating procrastination. By providing a relaxed and quiet environment, students can write, study, and work while surrounded by like-minded and equally-productive students. There will be activities to help students focus (i.e. Desk yoga), games to keep the mind awake, and writing consultants available to provide feedback. There will also be brain food (snacks, midnight pizza) and productivity drinks (e.g. coffee/hot chocolate). If you are interested in attending, no reservation needed, just stop by LOH 120 on April 11. Parking is available in Lot M until 2 a.m. on April 12th, and we will have consultants available to help walk participants back to their dorms. Questions, call 331-2922. We have more information here and if you are interested in napping during NAP, you should bring your own sleeping bag and pillow.

Location Information

Lake Ontario Hall 120 is home base for the Night Against Procrastination, but several rooms in Lake Ontario Hall will be used as part of the event. Rooms are designated by noise level so participants can select their preference for a work environment. 

Download parking map for the Allendale Campus

Contact Information

Patrick Johnson - - Lake Ontario Hall 120 - 616-331-8077

Hosting Department, Organization, or Business

Fred Meijer Center for Writing


fun outreach support

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This event was added to the calendar by Patrick Johnson ( on Monday, March 18, 2024 and was last updated on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 2:27 p.m.