Understanding Trauma and Practicing Resilience

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Allendale Campus
Faculty, Staff

GVSU Inclusion & Equity Institute Color Burst

This training has three components. Part 1 covers the biological mechanisms by which experiences and trauma affect human development. Part 2 introduces the concept of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and provides data about the frequency of ACES and the later health outcomes associated with exposure to childhood trauma. Part 3 introduces a multilevel model of resilience and discussion of personal, relational and community-level interventions to support positive outcomes for all people. This workshop will also help people apply these concepts to their work at GVSU.

Learning Outcomes - By the end of the session, participants should be familiar with:

  • Become familiar with the mechanisms by which experiences affect human development including neurodevelopment & epigenetics
  • Understand the concept of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and local and national data about the prevalence of ACES/trauma exposure
  • Understand the dose-response relationship between ACES and later health and social outcomes
  • Understand a multilevel model of resilience 5. Identify personal, relational, and community-level interventions to support positive outcomes for folks who have experienced trauma


  • Gwenden Dueker, PhD (She/Her/Hers) Professor of Psychology

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Location Information

Allendale Campus in Kirkhof Center Rm# 2263

Download parking map for the Allendale Campus

Contact Information

Inclusion & Equity Institute

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 616-331-4111



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This event was added to the calendar by Ashley Jefferson (jeffeash@gvsu.edu) on Thursday, August 8, 2024 and was last updated on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.