Vigil for Nex Benedict - Honoring Their Memory on Trans Day of Rememberance

Sunday, March 31, 2024
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Allendale Campus

Nex Benedict was a non-binary student living in Owasso, Oklahoma. Nex was attacked at school by three other students in the bathroom, and died soon after from their injuries. The three students, and Owasso High School need to be held responsible for the murder of Nex Benedict.

GVSU SDS, in collaboration with the LGBTQ resource center, is holding a vigil to honor the memory of Nex, on Trans Day of Remembrance. All students, faculty, and community members are welcome to come pay their respects.

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Cook Carillon Clock Tower

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Contact Information

GVSU SDS is a chapter of New Students for a Democratic Society. We are a national, multi-issue, progressive student organization with over 40 chapters all across the United States. We stand against US wars and intervention, racist discrimination, police crimes, homophobic and transphobic attacks, attacks on women, attacks on reproductive rights, and much more. If any or all of these issues are important to you, please consider checking us out!

SDS was refounded in 2006 after protests against the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, by students who were inspired by the powerful anti-war movement built by Students for a Democratic Society in the 1960's and 1970's.

We host protests and other direct actions on campus to show students that they have the power to win policies for a better campus and to move society as a whole in defense of progressive social movements. We also have our own leftist newsletter, The Rose Thorn, which welcomes leftist writers at GVSU. It can be found here:

Join the fight! Dare to struggle, dare to win!

Contact Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) on LakerLink

Hosting Department, Organization, or Business

Students for Democratic Society


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This event was added to the calendar by LakerLink Registered Student Organizations ( on Thursday, March 21, 2024 and was last updated on Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 7:01 p.m.