New Programs/New Academic Unit Council

Overview: The New Programs/New Academic Council reviews and votes on new degree, new major, and new minor proposals. Additionally, this body reviews new academic unit proposals. Reviews occur during the academic year. The purpose of the Council and its membership are described in the Shared Governance Policies S.G. 2.05.

New Programs A new program prospectus gets reviewed and approved by the unit, the Dean, and the New Programs/Academic Unit Council. If approved through this process, proposers then create a new program proposal that goes through the full university process (see “Roles and Responsibilities for Curricular Review”). Additionally, some proposals may also require Higher Learning Commission and/or Board of Trustees review and approval. The review process for new academic programs often spans at least one academic year.  

New Programs Resources

Budget Considerations (review before completing budget)

Program Budget Template (required)

Program Budget Template Example A  (review before completing the required budget) 

Program Budget Template Example B (review before completing the required budget)

Course Capacity:
Course Capacity must be included for all existing courses for the past three years. This data is available from Institutional Analysis and should be uploaded with the prospectus. Below is an example that merges the fall, winter, and summer offerings into a single year.  Make sure to provide data for all existing courses, including those taught outside the unit.  In the prospectus, please also list all new courses proposed. 
Course Capacity Example

NOTE: All new minors must consist of a minimum of 20 required credits and no existing GVSU minor has more than 29 credits. See GVSU academic policies and regulations for more information.

New Unit(s)
Information coming soon

The agenda for NPC meetings is set by the Chair. Electronic copies of the agenda accompanied by electronic documents relevant to agenda items are distributed to committee members at least two weeks prior to each meeting. 

2023-2024 Meeting Dates (held via Zoom from 11:30am to 1:00pm on the Wednesdays below)

September 13, 2023
October 11, 2023
November 15, 2023
December 13, 2023
January 24, 2024
February 28, 2024
March 27, 2024
April 17, 2024

2023-2024 Members

  • Fatma Mili, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Courtney Karasinski, Vice Chair, University Academic Senate (Chair designated by ECS Chair & voting member)
  • Amy Campbell, Chair, Graduate Council (voting member)
  • Erica Hamilton, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Robert Hollister, Chair, Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (voting member)
  • Barb Hoogenboom, Chair, University Curriculum Committee (voting member)


Page last modified April 29, 2024