Jodi Chycinski, associate vice president and director of Admissions,
will leave the university for a new position.
Photo Credit: University Communications
B. Donta Truss, vice president for Enrollment Development and
Educational Outreach, named two longtime Admissions staff members as
interim co-directors when Jodi Chycinski leaves Grand Valley for
another position.
The interim co-directors are Astin Martin and Melanie Retberg. Martin
will oversee recruitment of diverse populations and Retberg will
oversee the department's operations. Chycinski will soon work at
Davenport University as vice president for Admissions and Strategic Partnerships.
Chycinski, associate vice president and director of Admissions, has
worked at Grand Valley for 24 years. When she arrived on campus in
1997 as associate director for Admissions, there were 15,676 students
on campus.
Truss said Chycinski helped lead Grand Valley through a period of
record enrollment (now 22,406 students) and will leave a mark on GVSU
"that will be felt for years to come."
Chycinski said she is most proud of all the Admissions staff members
she has worked with over the past 24 years.
"Members of the Admissions team have always been committed to
the enrollment work of the university, while also being broadly
dedicated to helping prospective students access higher
education," she said. "A personal honor was my involvement
in the design of the Laker Experience Suite. This space has allowed
the Admissions team to meet growing visitor demand and has provided a
welcoming, contemporary, GVSU branded space.”
Faculty, staff team to present 'Showcase' recruitment event at
high school
Proving the adage that all Grand Valley employees are university
ambassadors, multiple campus departments participated in the first
"GVSU Showcase" at Innovation Central High School in Grand Rapids.
Joining the Admissions Office were Steve Mattox, professor of
geology, and staff members from the Career Center, Student Life,
Financial Aid and Laker Academic Success Center. They spoke in
mid-November to all seniors.
Astin Martin, interim co-director of Admissions, said it was the
first time this type of recruitment event was brought to a local school.
"The idea behind the showcase is to introduce the GVSU community
to local schools in our backyard in a more intimate setting,"
Martin said. "Our goal is to have faculty, staff and Grand Valley
students travel to area high schools to show what being a Laker is
truly about."
Jeremy Bissett, a counselor at Innovation Central and GVSU alumnus,
said students appreciated the financial aid and admissions sessions,
and liked the idea of the Laker Line.
"They liked that Grand Valley has a downtown campus, where they
are used to being, but also that they can take a direct bus route to
go out to the Allendale Campus, with the comfort of knowing it's not
really that far away if they wanted to come back downtown to see
friends and family," Bissett said.