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Dynamic Presentations: How to Engage Audiences at Conferences, in the Classroom, and Beyond! (NCFDD Webinar)

Dynamic Presentations: How to Engage Audiences at Conferences, in the Classroom, and Beyond! (NCFDD Webinar)

Date and Time

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM


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This webinar discusses the importance of audience engagement for public presentations and provides strategies for capturing and keeping the attention of an audience in various contexts. The presenter will provide recommendations for how to study an audience prior to a presentation, as well as suggestions for verbal and nonverbal communication strategies that engage an audience the entire presentation.

Facilitated by Marnel Niles Goins, PhD.

Register at: https://www.facultydiversity.org/webinars/dynamicpresentations.

Activate your FREE NCFDD Institutional Membership at www.gvsu.edu/ftlc/ncfdd.


Facilitator Biography:

Marnel Niles Goins is Dean of the College of Sciences and Humanities at Marymount University. Prior to her transition to Marymount, she served as Professor and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Communication at California State University, Fresno, where she taught for 12 years. She earned her Ph.D. from Howard University in Organizational and Small Group Communication. She taught courses in Small Group Communication and Organizational Communication and has a special interest in leadership, as well as gender and racial dynamics in organizational settings. Marnel has numerous publications and serves on the editorial board of Communication and Race and Women’s Studies in Communication. She is 1st Vice President of the National Communication Association and a past president of both the Western States Communication Association and the Organization for Research on Women and Communication.


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Page last modified September 26, 2023