Online Learning Consortium Institutional Membership

Did you know, GVSU has an institutional membership to the Online Learning Consortium (OLC)? With OLC Institutional Membership, all faculty at GVSU have access to and full use of the benefits.

Check out the current schedule of OLC workshop offerings


Found an OLC workshop you want to take?  We have a grant for that! 

Learn more by visiting our OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant webpage.


Membership Benefits

FREE WEBINARSWebinars are always free for OLC members. No coupon code needed. Be sure that you and your faculty have set up accounts and affiliated them with your institution. Check out the On-Demand Webinars, too.

MEMBER PRICING ON WORKSHOPSMembership includes discounted pricing ($100 savings) on all OLC Workshops. You must be logged in to your OLC member account to automatically see the discounted member prices and access to full benefits.

MEMBER PRICING ON OLC TEACHING CERTIFICATE PROGRAMSMembership includes discounted pricing ($300-$500 savings) on all OLC Certificate Programs, including Online Teching, Advanced Online Teaching and Instructional Designer certificate programs.

MEMBER PRICING ON OLC MASTERY SERIES PROGRAMSMembership includes discounted ($150-$175 savings) pricing on all OLC Mastery Series Programs, including Blended Learning, Instructional Design, Quality Scoreboard, Leadership in Online Learning, Online Science Labs, and Online Nursing. Bulk savings are also available.

MEMBERSHIP PRICING ON OLC CONFERENCES AND EVENTSDiscounts on our two annual conferences ($150 savings) and multiple regional events. Your code will appear on the left side of the registration page. Each conference has a different code.

PUBLICATIONSOLC members receive 20% discounts on all publications automatically when logged in to your OLC member account.

OLC Quality Scorecards

Determine your strengths & weaknesses of your online programs or courses and identify areas for improvement.

download any or all the OLC quality scorecards for evaluating your online programs

  • INTERACTIVE VERSION: OLC Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Programs, Blended Learning, and Student Success.
  • OLC QUALITY SCORECARD NAVIGATOR: OLC experts complete the scorecard for you and provide an assessment report.
  • HANDBOOKS: Get 20% off purchase.


  • Get an official review for your online courses and programs.
  • OLC OSCQR Course Design Review

Account Setup

How do I access my OLC Institutional Membership benefits?

  1. You must use your organization's email address (i.e. to access benefits. If you do not already have an account using your organizational email address, create a new account.
  2. Create a free user account:
  3. During the account creation process, you must choose "Allow" when asked to allow access. 

OLC Membership List

Learn more about all the benefits that come with an OLC Institutional Membership by visiting the Online Learning Consortium's Join OLC webpage.

Found an OLC workshop you want to take?  We have a grant for that!  Learn more by visiting our OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant webpage.

Apply for an OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant today!

Please be sure to log in to your OLC Member account to enjoy all of your membership benefits.  For questions or help with membership, please contact OLC membership directly, or Pew FTLC.

Online Learning Consortium—(617) 716-1414 or  
Pew FTLC—(616) 331-3498 or

Page last modified September 11, 2024