Teaching Guides

Assessing Teaching and Learning

Course Design

Preparing to Teach

Principles of Learning

Professional Development and Faculty Life

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Additional Information

Teaching Resource Collections - We recommend several sites containing rich information on a range of teaching topics. 

Magna Digital Library - A growing library of video­-based programs to help you address teaching opportunities and challenges. 

Online Learning Consortium - Take a workshop and learn about innovative ways to enhance your online, hybrid, or face-to-face classes.

Pew FTLC Library  - Come visit us in Zumberge Hall or browse our collection online through the University Libraries catalog. 

Teaching & Learning Conference Listing  - Want to learn more? Looking for a venue to present your teaching and learning resource findings? 

National Conversations about Teaching & Learning - Our institution participates in a number of national projects and conversations. Learn more here. 


Page last modified September 20, 2024