Figen A. Mekik

Mekik, F. and Winkelstern, I., 2020. Field testing the fidelity of δ18O and δ13C in reconstructing upper ocean hydrography. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,
Costa, Kassandra M.1; Hayes, Christopher M.2; Anderson, Robert F.3,4; Pavia, Frank J.3,4,5; Bausch, Alexandra3,4,6; Deng, Feifei7; Dutay, Jean-Claude8; Geibert, Walter9; Heinze, Christoph10; Henderson, Gideon7; Hillaire-Marcel, Claude11; Hoffmann, Sharon12; Jaccard, Samuel L.13; Jacobel, Allison W.14,15; Kienast, Stephanie S.16; Kipp, Lauren3,16; Lerner, Paul17; Lippold, Jörg18; Lund, David19; Marcantonio, Franco20; McGee, David21; McManus, Jerry F.3,4; Mekik, Figen22; Middleton, Jennifer L.3; Missiaen, Lise23; Not, Christelle24; Pichat, Sylvain25,26; Robinson, Laura F.27; Rowland, George H.27; Roy-Barman, Matthieu8; Tagliabue, Alessandro28; Torfstein, Adi29,30; Winckler, Gisela3,4; Zhou, Yuxin3,4,, (2020). 230Th normalization: New insights on an essential tool for quantifying sedimentary fluxes in the modern and Quaternary ocean, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.
Rongstad, B., Marchitto, T., Marks, G., Koutavas, T., Mekik, F., and Ravelo, A., (2019). Investigating ENSO-related temperature variability in equatorial Pacific core-tops using Mg/Ca in individual planktic foraminifera, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology,
Mekik, A. F. (2018) Do proxies agree? δ18O, δ13C and Mg/Ca from tests of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Mekik, A. F. and Anderson R. (2018) Is the core top modern? Observations from the eastern equatorial Pacific. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Mekik, A. F. (2014) Radiocarbon Dating of Planktonic Foraminifer Shells: A Cautionary Tale, Paleoceanography, vol. 29, doi:10.1002/2013PA002532.
Mekik, A. F. (2012) Earth Systems, Series Editor, Nature Education Knowledge Project
Mekik, A. F., (2012) Book Review: Deep Sea Sediments, EOS, Vol. 93, No. 17, 24 April, 2012.
Mekik A. F., Anderson, R., François, R., Loubere P., and M. Richaud. (2012) The mystery of the missing carbonate deglacial preservation maximum, Quaternary Science Reviews, 39, 60-72, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.01.024,
Mekik A. F., N. Noll and M. Russo (2010) Progress toward a multi-basin calibration for quantifying deep sea calcite preservation in the tropical/subtropical world ocean, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.08.024
Meric, E., N. Avsar, F. Mekik, B. Yokes, I. Barut, D. Ozcan, S. Fikret, F. Yucesoy-Eryilmaz, M. Eryilmaz, F. Dincer and E. Kam, 2009. Abnormal test formations observed in the benthic foraminifers from recent sediments of Alibey and Maden Islands (Ayvalik-Balikesir). Turkiye Jeoloji Bulteni, 52/1, 31-84, ZOOR14509059662.
Mekik, A. F. and L. Raterink. 2008. Effects of surface ocean conditions on deep sea calcite dissolution proxies in the tropical Pacific. Paleoceanography, 23, PA1216,doi:10.1029/2007PA001433..
Mekik, A. F., R. Francois and M. Soon, 2007. A novel approach to dissolution correction of Mg/Ca based paleothermometry in the tropical Pacific. Paleoceanography, 22, PA3217, 2007PA001504.
Mekik, A. F., Loubere, P., and Richaud, M., 2007. Rain ratio variation in the tropical ocean: Tests with surface sediments in the eastern equatorial Pacific, Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.01.010
Mekik A. F., and R. François, 2006. Tracing deep sea carbonate dissolution: Agreement between the G. menardiifragmentation index and elemental ratios [Mg/Ca and Mg/Sr] in planktonic foraminifers. Paleoceanography. 21, PA4219, doi:10.1029/2006PA001296.
Loubere, P., Mekik, A. F. , François, R., and Pichat, S., 2004, Export fluxes of calcite in the eastern equatorial Pacific from the Last Glacial Maximum to present, Paleoceanography, vol. 19, PA2018 doi.10.1029/2003PA000986.
Loubere, P., Liu, Z., Richaud, M. and Mekik, F., 2003. Oceanic conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific during the onset of ENSO in the Holocene, Quaternary Research, 60, 142-148. (Listed as one of Quaternary Research most requested articles).
Mekik, A. F., Loubere, P. and Archer, D., 2002 Organic carbon flux and organic carbon to calcite flux ratio recorded in deep sea carbonates: Demonstration and a new proxy, Global Biogeochemical Cycles. vol. 16, doi.10/1029/2001GB001634.
Carter, E., Whalen, P. and Mekik, F., 2002 [editors]. Micropaleontology of Radiolarians, Proceedings of INTERRAD IX, Micropaleontology, vol. 48, Supplement Number 1.
Mekik, A. F., 2000. Early Cretaceous Pantanelliidae (Radiolaria) from northwest Turkey, Micropaleontology, Vol. 46, no.1: 1-30.
Mekik, A. F. and Loubere, P., 1999. Hypothetical experiments with quantitative paleo-estimation: Extrapolation and the no-analog problem. Marine Micropaleontology, vol. 36/4: 225-248.
Mekik, A. F., Ling, H.Y., Özkan-Altiner, S. and Altiner, D., 1999. Preliminary radiolarian biostratigraphy across the Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary from northwestern Turkey. In De Wever P. & Caulet J.-P. (eds), InterRadIII,Paris/Bierville813 September 1997, Geodiversitas, 21 (4): 715-738.