Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the Grand Forum for?
The Grand Forum is an educational outreach program for adults 55 and older who are eager to learn, love to meet new people, and enjoy discussing impactful topics with their peers.
How much does it cost?
Membership for the Grand Forum is $150 per person per year. For this moderately priced membership fee, Grand Forum provides access to a series of special lectures. These intellectually stimulating programs are taught by community leaders, faculty from area colleges and universities as well as experts from a variety of diverse disciplines. Programming will take place in-person at GVSU’s downtown campus and will also be available virtually through a Zoom webinar.
What can I expect?
In addition to spending time with friends, you'll have plenty of opportunities to make new ones. As a member, you are invited to attend sixteen (16) in-person special programs throughout the year. Members come from a variety of backgrounds and areas, such as alumni, GVSU retirees and community members. The diversity of the group leads to thought-provoking and challenging questions and comments after the presentation.
What is expected of me?
Through presentations and discussions, the Grand Forum provides a broad spectrum of stimulating programs in a setting that encourages lively discussion. An interest in learning is an essential part of your membership. You will also need to RSVP for each event you wish to attend.
Do I have to live in the Grand Rapids area?
Grand Forum programs are made available to members in a hybrid format. Members can choose to attend presentations in person or can tune in online.