New award to be presented during King commemoration week

Grand Valley officials announced they will honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by presenting an award to a West Michigan individual or organization who best portrays the spirit of King’s teachings and examples.
Nominations are now being accepted for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Award. The award will be presented during Grand Valley’s 2013 MLK Commemoration Week, January 21-26.
Criteria for nominating an individual or business/organization include leadership in community building; advocacy for educational excellence; furthering economic opportunity; promotion of social justice; advancing cultural awareness; adherence to the principles of non-violence; and advancing organizational diversity and inclusion values.
Applications and more information can be found online here, click on "MLK Community Service Award."The deadline to submit a nomination is December 17.
Nominations can be sent to the Division of Inclusion and Equity, 10 Zumberge Library, or sent via email to [email protected].
For more information, call the Division of Inclusion and Equity at
(616) 331-3296.
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