Event will honor women connected to sports

From left are Joan Boand, Donna Lopiano and Patti Rowe at the inaugural Celebrate Women in Sport and Physical Activity. An event Saturday at the Alumni House supports the Boand/Rowe Endowment.
From left are Joan Boand, Donna Lopiano and Patti Rowe at the inaugural Celebrate Women in Sport and Physical Activity. An event Saturday at the Alumni House supports the Boand/Rowe Endowment.

Alumni and current students at Grand Valley who have played varsity sports, club sports or majored in movement science will be honored at an event during Family Weekend.

The Celebration of Women in Sports and Physical Activity is set for Saturday, October 5, 5:30 p.m. at the Alumni House. The event follows a Laker volleyball game and precedes a football game.

Cari Draft, ’88, owner of EcoTrek Fitness, will be the keynote speaker.

The event serves as a fundraiser for the Boand/Rowe Endowment Fund, which recognizes the leadership of Joan Boand and Patti Rowe on campus by building a fund that will support scholarships and leadership development opportunities for students.

Tickets for the event are $25, which includes the volleyball game, reception and $15 that will go toward the endowment fund. Visit www.gvsu.edu/womeninsports to purchase a ticket.

For more information, contact Keri Becker at [email protected] or Dana Munk at [email protected].


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