News from Grand Valley State University

Homecoming weekend offers slate of activities

Homecoming events will continue through Saturday, October 11.
Homecoming events will continue through Saturday, October 11.

The Alumni Association will host Homecoming activities on October 10-11 that offer something for everyone.

Themed “Back in Blue, a Laker Legacy,” the slate of events includes a screening of a documentary by an alumnus that premiered aboard the International Space Station, 5K walk/run, campus tours, Seidman College of Business alumni social, and a lip sync contest.

On October 11, the the football team will host Wayne State at Lubbers Stadium at 7 p.m. The Laker soccer team will host Saginaw Valley State on October 12 at 1 p.m.

The Office of Student Life will host a weeklong series of events, including a comedy show with Shawn and Marlon Wayans at the Fieldhouse on October 9. 

David Ruck, ’04 and ’07, created a documentary, “I Want To Be an Astronaut,” about Blair Mason, who strives to be an astronaut. Ruck said he wanted to make a film that explored the human side of the space program and whether or not kids today still dream of being an astronaut.

The film is a glimpse into current NASA efforts, amid a post­-space­-shuttle era, is provided through interviews with Charles Bolden, a NASA administrator, and John Glenn, a Mercury 7 astronaut. It premiered aboard the ISS on March 7.



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