News from Grand Valley State University
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President's message: Texas mass shooting

President Philomena V. Mantella reacted to the mass shooting at a Texas elementary school and highlighted university resources available to support campus community members in a May 25 message .


Dear GVSU Community,

Today, the flags on all GVSU campuses were moved to half-staff to mark respect for Texas's elementary school shooting victims. It is a symbolic acknowledgment of the horrific killing of innocent children and educators that requires our attention and action as leaders in advancing important national conversations. Our hearts break for the families touched by this tragedy. As a parent, I cannot imagine sending my children off to school, never to see them again. As an institution committed to inquiry, civic dialogue, and common understanding, we must embrace our role to engage in tough conversations around common-sense gun reform, violence prevention, and systemic inequities.

It cannot be ignored that the tragedy in Texas occurred in a predominantly Latino community, just as the devastating racially motivated violence in Buffalo last week occurred in a Black community. We must support our communities of color and all who are experiencing pain and hurting while contributing to the national dialogue that moves us to honor each of the lives lost with concerted action.

We are committed to continuing our own campus safety as we learn from and work to prevent these unimaginable situations. Our university resources and services remain available for each of you, even during the summer. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need support. We are always here for you.

  • Counseling Center: For personal support, we encourage students to utilize the GVSU Counseling Center.  
  • CARE: The CARE Team consists of staff who support students through challenges they may experience. Referrals may be made online at
  • Encompass: The Employee Assistance Program, Encompass, is available to help with confidential and professional mental health resources for employees and family members. Reach out for personalized support at (800) 788-8630.


Philomena V. Mantella



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