News from Grand Valley State University
Students walk across the blue Little Mac Bridge amongst the results of a recent snowfall.

GVSU in photos, January 2024: A week of remembrance, favorite study spots and a campus snow globe

 A college student wearing headphones walks past a yellow metal flower art sculpture on a wintry campus, left. At right, a college student walks across a crosswalk as seen from a window.
Left: A student walks past David Gibson's "Flowers" sculpture on the Allendale Campus earlier this month. Right: As seen from the Mary Idema Pew Library, a student makes their way along a crosswalk on the first day of classes of the winter semester January 8.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
College students work on their laptops while studying in a university library.
Students Alison Avila and Anna Mahi study in the Mary Idema Pew Learning and Information Commons on January 25.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 A person walks past a white art sculpture on a snowy university campus at dawn.
The semester got off to a snowy start as students make their way through the Great Lakes Plaza on the Allendale Campus early in the morning of January 10.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
College students work on their laptops while sitting in front of a red wall.
First-year nursing student Emma Flanders talks with a friend while studying in the Mary Idema Pew Library January 25.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 Large snowflakes fall as students walk through the snowy scene on a college campus.
Heavy snowfall welcomed students back to campus during the second day of the winter semester.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 A person studies in a library as seen through blurry glass.
A Doctor of Nursing Practice student studies in the Mary Idema Pew Library, January 25, 2024.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 A college student laughs as the air vent kicks on and blows her hair.
Aliah Lloyd, a senior studying computer science and minoring in Chinese language, laughs during a portrait when the air vent kicks on and blows her hair. Lloyd is most excited about continuing her research with professor Rahat Rafiq in developing an app that will help students monitor their mental health and guide them to appropriate resources.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
A person walks using a clear umbrella to walk among the snow-covered trees on a college campus.
A person uses an umbrella to keep dry from the elements as they walk in front of the Haas Center for Performing Arts on January 10.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 A group of people laugh together during an event on a college campus.
Melissa Harris-Perry, Phillip Todd and Alisha Davis converse after the MLK Week kickoff event on campus.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 Two people smile and talk using microphones while sitting in large blue chairs during a speaking event.
Melissa Harris-Perry, left, and President Philomena V. Mantella discuss the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's legacy during an event January 16 in the Kirkhof Center.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 A carillon tower is seen past a row of trees in a foggy scene on a college campus at dawn.
A heavy fog blankets the Allendale Campus on January 24.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 A person with a large white beard and winter hat makes their way through a wintry college campus.
Professor Roger "Buddy" Allman traverses campus during a snowstorm earlier this month.
Image credit - Lauren Seymour
 The entrance arch to Grand Valley State University is seen among snow-covered trees.
The entrance to Grand Valley was covered with fresh snow on January 11.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 Snowflakes stick to the furry black hood of a college student's coat.
First-year student Gracie Moretto embraces the wintry weather on the Allendale Campus January 11. Moretto, who is studying film and video, doesn't mind the snow but prefers "to look at it from the inside."
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 A college student wearing pick headphones works on a laptop in a university library.
Student Jordan Evans studies in the Steelcase Library on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus January 24. Evans is a senior environmental and sustainability studies and marketing major.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 Raindrops stick to the branches of a tree.
Raindrops cover branches in front of Secchia Hall on the Pew Grand Rapids Campus January 24.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 Two college students seen from above make "snow angels" and rest on the art maze blankets during an art exhibition.
Students Katherine Brewer, left, and Caroline Bell interact with guest artist Emmy Bright's "dysfunctional mazes" during the exhibition in the Stuart B. and Barbara H. Padnos Student Gallery January 11. "It's not about the destination but the journey you take," Bell said about Bright's artwork.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
A person wearing a blue suit gestures with their hands during a speech.
TaRita Johnson, senior vice president of talent and diversity at The Right Place, encouraged the audience to think about their purpose and gifts at an event that was part of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Commemoration Week.
Image credit - Emily Zoladz
 An audience member listens intently to a speech.
An audience member takes in the keynote address from TaRita Johnson, an event that was part of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Commemoration Week.
Image credit - Emily Zoladz
 A speaker wearing glasses in seen through shapes of letters as they talk to a crowd.
Paul Isely, associate dean and professor of economics in the Seidman College of Business, gave his economic predictions during the "State of Grand Rapids Business" presentation January 31. The presentation was part of the Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce's annual meeting at DeVos Place.
Image credit - Kendra Stanley-Mills
 A group of college students laugh together as they study and work on their laptops in a library.
Junior biomedical sciences/economics major Grace Flanders laughs with friends Jarrett Budde and Caleb Nave during a study session in the Mary Idema Pew Library on January 25.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
 A college female basketball player smiles and does a special handshake before the start of a game.
Junior Ellie Droste grins widely as she and teammate Lauren Slagle complete their signature handshake before tip-off of the Grand Valley women's basketball game against Parkside.
Image credit - Macayla Cramer
 A squirrel pops its head out of a trashcan with snow on its nose.
A campus squirrel hangs out in a trash can on a windy and cold day outside of the Mary Idema Pew Library on the Allendale campus.
Image credit - Macayla Cramer


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