applied Medical Devices Institute

Applied Medical Device Institute at GVSU awarded $500k grant for medical device manufacturing study

Grand Valley's applied Medical Device Institute (aMDI) has been awarded $500,000 by the Grand Rapids SmartZone to complete an investigation into the viability of using specialized 3D printing technology for medical device production.

Jan 18, 2019

GVSU group develops system to reduce hospital infections

The three-device system was designed for nurses, doctors and other health care workers who come in direct contact with patients. 

Nov 8, 2018

GVSU group helps develop device that improves spine surgery training

ýA Grand Valley group worked with a local inventor and alumnus to help develop a first-of-its-kind device that can improve the way surgeons are trained for spinal procedures.

Jan 25, 2018

GVSU receives grants to support high-tech projects

Several Grand Valley initiatives were recently awarded grants from the Grand Rapids SmartZone Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA) to support student, faculty and staff projects that focus on the development of medical devices.

Jan 9, 2018