Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies

Haas to share words of wisdom at final Wheelhouse Talk of semester

President Thomas J. Haas will be the keynote speaker at the final Wheelhouse Talk of the academic year on Thursday, April 25. 

Apr 22, 2019

Panel to explore how the humanities might help Americans cross deep political, cultural divides

Politics and culture are contentious factors in modern American life that are driving a major divide between significant segments of the population, but a group of experts will discuss how learning from the past can be significant when facing today's challenges.

Apr 4, 2019

GVSU student selected as finalist for prestigious Truman Scholar Award

Grand Valley State University student Cameron Jones has been selected as a finalist for the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Award, the nation's most prestigious domestic award for undergraduate students. 

Apr 3, 2019

Grand Valley to host lecture on history of Nazi group

Grand Valley's Frederik Meijer Honors College and the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies will host a lecture that will focus on the role of education as it related to the SS-Einsatzgruppen, Nazi mobile killing units that operated between 1941 and 1943. 

Apr 3, 2019

Clark awarded Hauenstein Fellowship Medal

Former Democratic candidate for president and four-star Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.) was awarded the Col. Ralph W. Hauenstein Fellowship Medal at a March 14 event hosted by the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies. 

Mar 15, 2019

Former presidential candidate Wesley Clark to speak at Grand Valley event

Former Democratic candidate for president and four-star Gen. Wesley Clark (ret.) will speak at an event hosted by Grand Valley's Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies on March 14. 

Mar 6, 2019

Comedy in American politics: GVSU to host H.W. Brands for discussion

Politicians are easy targets as the butt of jokes, from everyday people to late-night talk show hosts and comedians, but there's a good chance the public is on the receiving end of ribbing from politicians as well.

Feb 6, 2019

Historians to explore crossroads of slavery and American memory at Grand Valley event

Thomas Jefferson, one of the nation's founding fathers, was the most revered philosopher of the early republic's Enlightenment ideals. But he was also deeply involved in the nation's original sin of slavery.

Jan 16, 2019

"Soul of the country" is worth preserving, Meacham says

The United States is a country shaped by a perennial struggle between tendencies to want to open our arms and clench our fists, argued Jon Meacham, noted presidential biographer and author, at a lecture hosted January 10 by the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies.

Jan 10, 2019

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jon Meacham to discuss contentious, divisive American politics

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jon Meacham will discuss divisiveness in American politics at an event on January 10. The event is sold out, but will be streamed live.

Jan 4, 2019