Welcome to Kirkpatrick, Seidman, Stafford, and Swanson
Suite-style units consist of two rooms per suite with a shared bathroom joining them, reserved for freshmen. Each room houses two residents, who share a double fully furnished room with a sink. The bathroom consists of a shower and toilet stall. Suite-style is a great way to form a sense of community and relationships with other residents. This building is located in the North Campus Neighborhood near The Dish, Fresh Food Co., and Mackinac Hall, where most freshmen have classes. Kirkpatrick, Stafford, Seidman and Swanson are nicknamed "The Back Four."
First Floor Meetings
Meet your fellow residents and your RA at your first floor meeting! The first floor meeting will be the evening of your scheduled move in. See your RA boards in your building for a specific date and time.

Resident Assistants (RAs) are sophomore-level or higher, undergraduate and graduate students who live on-campus. There is at least one RA on every floor of each living center. They contribute to a positive community living experience by serving as a campus resource for first-year students, and by coordinating social and academic activities for residents. RA staff members serve in the HRL duty rotation and are extensively trained in crisis management, facilities management, campus policies/student code of conduct, and student development.
Community Directors (CDs) are professional staff members who have a Master's degree in student affairs. CDs are live-in staff members and they assist in the daily operations of residential communities. These operations include administrative duties, managing conduct, supervising an RA staff, and providing support to residential students. CD staff members serve in the HRL duty rotation and have extensive experience in crisis management, facilities management, campus policies/student code of conduct, and student development.
Community Director

Anna Bosman
Community Director
BS – Psychology; Grand Valley State University
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
I’ve been working for Housing and Residence Life at GVSU since 2018. I was a Resident Assistant, the Residence Life Student Assistant, and worked as a temporary employee for HRL from when I graduated in 2021 to July of 2022. I am so excited to be here full-time as the Living Center Director and continue to learn, grow and serve our students!
Resident Assistants

Jake Openshaw
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Finance and Marketing
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Jake is a junior studying Finance and Marketing. He is from Milford Michigan and is a returning RA to the back 4. In his free time he likes to spend time with friends and enjoys staying physically active. At GVSU he participates in intramural sports and IPO finance club.

Sam Scroggins
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Psychology
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs
Sam is a third-year student majoring in psychology with a minor in applied linguistics. This is their second year as an RA in the Back 4. They enjoy reading, cooking, and playing piano and bassoon in their free time. They can't wait to be an RA again this year!

Sky Cangemi
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Art Education
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sky is in her final year at GV, she is studying Art Education. Sky enjoys watching Netflix with her cat Hera. Sky is also a member of the state board of AEM as the Community Outreach chairman.

Maisha Marriott
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Nursing
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
RA Mai is a 3rd year student, in the KCON Nursing Program. She loves watching dramas, dressing up, listening to music and hanging out with friends. Her favorite part about GVSU is being an RA and getting to meet and help new students find their place as a Laker!

Samuel Battaglia
First Year Resident Assistant
Major: Accounting
Pronouns: He/Him/His
RA Sam is a first-year RA from Macomb, MI. He is majoring in accounting. In his free time, Sam likes to go to the gym, play basketball & video games, hang out with friends, and watch anime. Sam's best friend and girlfriend are also RA's at Grand Valley.

Harrison Fobare
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Film and Video Production
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Harrison is a second year RA in Kirkpatrick Living Center. He is majoring in Film and Video Production. This is his third year at GVSU.

Savannah Marble
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Environmental Science
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Savannah Marble is a junior at GVSU. Her major is in environmental science, with a minor in political science. In Savannah's free time, she loves to hang out with her friends and go on day trips to new places. She also loves animals, and has one dog named Sasha. Her favorite colors are orange and green.

KeLan Migan
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Biology for Secondary Education
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
KeLan (Kay-lawn) is a third year studying Biology for secondary education. Residing in Milwaukee WI, she has enjoyed learning about the mitten state and exploring local activities these past two years. Although, no amount of time will change her refusal to use the words "water fountain" and "pop" in the way Michiganders practice. KeLan is excited to get to know the new residents and have another great year!

Andreas Hardgrave
Mentor Resident Assistant
Major: Environmental Science
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Presenting... Andreas (Andy) Hardgrave! He is an RA in the Back 4 this year! Andy is always out and about on campus either rock climbing, hanging in a tree, or studying to try and save the environment! Don't be surprised if you see him rushing around on his longboard too. If you shout out to him, he'll certainly say, "Howdy howdy!" as he zooms by.

Kevin LePage
First Year Resident Assistant
Major: Environmental Sustainability Studies
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Kevin is from Portage, Michigan and has lived there since middle school. He is an environmental sustainability major who loves to be outside and live through experiences. When the weather is warm, he likes to go fishing, camping, and spending time with his friends. During the winter, he enjoys skiing and visiting his family.

Maitlin Miller
First Year Resident Assistant
Major: Statistics
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Nila Robinson
First Year Resident Assistant
Major: Behavioral Neuroscience
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Nila is a sophomore studying behavioral neuroscience, she enjoys working with children and she's passionate about studying the brain. She is from a small town called FlatRock Michigan and it's about 40 minutes from Detroit. She loves to read her Bible, dance and watch movies. Everyday she aspires to be a good person and walk in her faith.

Esabella Siersma
First Year Resident Assistant
Major: Criminal Justice
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Esabella Siersma is a Sophomore at GVSU majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Legal Studies. Esabella has a strong academic record and is a shift leader at her current place of employment. She enjoys being outside and active with friends and family in her free time. Her hobbies consist of reading, crocheting, and rollerblading. This school year, she is excited to meet so many new people and hopeful to form lifelong friendships.

Darcy White
First Year Resident Assistant
Major: Occupational Safety and Health Management
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

GVSU Events Calendar
5 Days of Service
March 24, 2025 11:00 AM
5 Days of Service is a week full of drop-in service opportunities hosted by community partners, campus partners, and student service organizations. Events will be taking place in Kirkhof Center...
Glasses Decorating
March 24, 2025 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Get creative while decorating sunglasses! RSVP on LakerLink
Faculty Artist Recital: Dr. Alex Wilson, trumpet with Brendan Hollins, piano and Greg Secor, drums
March 24, 2025 7:30 PM
Alex Wilson, Brendan Hollins, and Greg Secor perform Claude Bolling's "Toot Suite" for trumpet, jazz piano, and drums.