CLA Community Integration Snapshots from the 2022-2023 Academic Year

Jennifer Maxson, Etiquette and Networking 101
One of the most valuable partners of the Hauenstein Center and CLA is Jennifer Maxson, who provides executive leadership coaching across the region through her company Jennifer Maxson & Associates. Each year, Jennifer joins us at our CLA orientation to provide practical tips and tricks for students who are new to professional spaces. Jennifer teaches students how to navigate a happy hour or community networking event, when to give out their business card and when to follow up on an initial meeting, and (a crowd favorite) the best way to balance a plate of hors d'oeuvres, a drink and a napkin while keeping a hand free for handshakes!

Volunteering with Kent County Parks & Recreation
Our founders, COL Ralph Hauenstein and Peter C. Cook, both had a passion for community service and volunteering. We believe in honoring their commitment to servant leadership by integrating an afternoon of volunteering into our CLA orientation. This year, students volunteered at various parks in Kent County, clearing trails and helping to build new areas for community members to recreate and enjoy our beautiful natural resources.

Economics Club of Grand Rapids feat. Governor Whitmer
The Hauenstein Center regularly invites students to attend Economics Club of Grand Rapids luncheons, which offer fantastic opportunities to hear from national leaders and gain valuable experience in networking. On February 6th, 2023, the Hauenstein Center invited students to attend the Econ Club luncheon featuring Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Students had the opportunity to hear firsthand from the governor about the state of Michigan, and updates on her action plan for the coming months. We had 14 fellow candidates attend, with the opportunity to meet and network with leaders from across the community.

Ezri Sutter, CGI Housing Panel Leadership Minute
"Leadership Minutes" have become a tradition at the Hauenstein Center - many Hauenstein Center and Common Ground Initiative events begin with a CLA fellow candidate sharing a brief leadership lesson of their own prior to the keynote. On March 16th, 2023, Ezri Sutter opened the Common Ground Housing Solutions panel with a leadership minute that focused on her experiences working with the unhoused community in Grand Rapids. Her leadership minute ended with a call to action: "Whether it is volunteering in your community, striking up a conversation, or simply just smiling at someone who is used to receiving avoided glances, I urge you to take an action step towards fostering a more inclusive and loving community for those who are unable to call four walls a home."

Washington Campus
Following a four year hiatus, we were thrilled to bring a group of 12 students back to Washington, D.C. for a week-long session with the Washington Campus in May of 2023. Throughout the week, students engaged in seminars with leaders across industries, with the goals of learning about the inner workings of policy-making at the federal level and how to strategically integrate public policy and public affairs in their respective career fields. In addition, students had the opportunity to spend a day on Capitol Hill, meeting with congressional staffers and politicians who engage daily with the process of law-making at the regional, state, and national level.

MJ Hosep, Independent Initiative Funding Recipient
Through generous donations from community members, the CLA is able to fund additional professional development opportunities that provide exceptional and life-changing leadership experiences for our fellow candidates. In April 2023, MJ Hosep was awarded funding to attend and present at the Midwestern Psychological Association's annual conference in Chicago. As an undergraduate, MJ has spent several years engaged in research examining the relationship between self-injury and body modification, which she hopes to continue in a PhD program following her graduation from GVSU.

GVSU Enrichment Dinner
On June 13th, GVSU hosted our annual Enrichment Dinner, which celebrates the impact and importance of community donors and university partners. This year, several CLA fellows kicked off the evening with a powerful performance on the impact they plan to make as graduates of Grand Valley. CLA was represented by (pictured from left) Joe Ohaeche, Faith Kidd, Sam Jacobs, David Pevic, and (not pictured) Evan Potter.