peter and Annette interview

Hauenstein Center in the Media

The Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies has been a mainstay of the political and academic landscape of West Michigan, as well as the broader world. This page includes just a few of the times that members of the Hauenstein Center were sought out to give their opinions about issues ranging from current political events to historical research, to philosophy and religion.

GVNext News

Photo of a U.S. Flag flying at a Lakers football game.

Hauenstein Center event explores history of presidential accountability

The Hauenstein Center's Scholar-in-Residence, Nicole Hemmer, said the 1970s were the high-water mark for presidential oversight.

Feb 18, 2025

portrait of Dr. King in hallway at DCIH, person walking down hall seen from back

Keynote speakers will link King's legacy to current events during MLK Commemoration Week

LaTosha Brown, Dar Mayweather and Joe Jones will give keynote presentations throughout the week of January 20.

Jan 14, 2025

Portrait of Dee Bradley Baker

Voice actor visiting Grand Valley for lecture series

With a career stretching for more than 30 years, Dee Bradley Baker is a renowned voice actor whose work is recognizable across genres.

Nov 4, 2024

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Links to writing and radio interviews in 2023

Citizens of the World: Global Citizenship & U.S Foreign Relations:
Christopher McKnight Nichols

September Wheelhouse Talk:
Faye Richardson-Green

Constitution Day: Freedom of Religion or Freedom from Religion?
Vincent Phillip Muñoz

Citizenship in Crisis: Re-Empowering the American Citizen:
Eric Liu and Victor Davis Hanson

Housing Solutions: What's Next?
Nicole Hofert, Jeremy DeRoo, and Shane Phillips

Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy Graduation Celebration

Progressive / Conservative Summit: Preventing Political Violence
Peter Meijer & Adam London 

President's Day Celebration: 
Kate Anderson Brower

February Wheelhouse Talk: 
Mary K. Hoodhood

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King JR. Day Commemoration:
Dr. Mary Frances Berry

Links to writing and radio interviews in 2022

Eyeing the Bench: A Supreme Court Panel:
James Romoser & Adam Liptak

Fears of a Setting Sun:
Dennis Rasmussen

Election Panel:
Nancy Wang, Roger Moiles, & Justin Roebuck

Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy Alumni Panel:
Richa Bhurtel, Amanda Hoffman, Yah-Hanna Jenkins Leys, & Tyler Smith

Constitution Day Celebration:
John F. Kowal & Wilfred U. Codrington III

​​​​​​​Russia, China, & Authoritarians:
Hal Brands

Hidden Wounds of War Conference

April Wheelhouse Talk:
Wayman Britt

Panel Discussion: Democracy and Religion:
Neil Carlson

COL Ralph W. Hauenstein's 110th Birthday Event

President's Day Celebration:
Lindsay Chervinsky

February Wheelhouse Talk:
Graci Harkema

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Event:
Elijah Anderson

Links to writing and radio interviews in 2021

H.W. Brands appears on NewsMakers: H.W. (Bill) Brands joins WGVU's Patrick Center to discuss the Hauenstein Center's upcoming event.
H.W. Brands appears on WGVU's Morning Show: H.W. (Bill) Brands joins WGVU's Shelley Irwin to discuss the Hauenstein Center's upcoming event.
First Sergeant Matt Eversmann appears on WGVU's Morning Show: First Sergeant Matt Eversmann joins Shelley Irwin to discuss the Hauenstein Center's upcoming event.
Veterans Day Celebration in GVNext: GVNext covered the Veterans Day Celebrations including the presentation with First Sergeant Matt Eversmann.
Veterans Day Celebration in WKTV Journal: WKTV Journal featured the upcoming Veterans Day Celebration event.
Carl Szabo and Josh Hammer in the Lanthhorn: GVSU's Lanthhorn featured Carl Szabo and Josh Hammer in the event Does Big Tech Equal Big Trouble?
Carl Szabo and Josh Hammer on WGVU's Morning Show: Carl Szabo and Josh Hammer appear on GVSU's Morning Show with Shelly Irwin to discuss the Hauenstein Center's event. 
Progressive/Conservative Summit in the Lanthhorn: GVSU's Lanthhorn featured the Progressive/Conservative Summit.
Progressive/Conservative Summit on WGVU's Morning Show: Jane Coaston appears on GVSU's Morning Show with Shelley Irwin to discuss the Hauenstein Center's upcoming summit.
Progressive/Conservative Summit in GVNext: GVNext covered the upcoming Progressive/Conservative Summit.
Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy Alumni panel in GVNext: GVNext covered the Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy Alumni panel.
Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy Alumni panel in the Lanthhorn: GVSU's Lanthhorn featured the Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy Alumni panel.
Akhil Reed Amar in the Lanthhorn: GVSU's Lanthhorn featured the Constitution Day Celebration with Akhil Reed Amar.
Akhil Reed Amar in GVNext: GVNext covered the Constitution Day Celebration with Akhil Reed Amar.
Ethan Zuckerman and Linda Chavez in the LanthornGVSU's Lanthorn featured the Hauenstein Center's event with Ethan Zuckerman and Linda Chavez.
Ethan Zuckerman and Linda Chavez in GVNext: GVNext covered the American Institutions: Love Them or Leave Them? event.
Ethan Zuckerman and Linda Chavez on WGVU's Morning Show: Ethan Zuckerman and Linda Chavez appear on GVSU's Morning Show with Shelley Irwin to discuss the Hauenstein Center's latest event.
Midwestern History Conference on WGVU's NewsMakers: Erik McDuffie joined the Hauenstein Center for the 7th annual Midwestern History Conference. He joins WGVU's Patrick Center to discuss the American Midwest and Black History.
Midwestern History Conference in GVNext: GVNext covered the upcoming Midwestern History Conference. 
Hidden Wounds of War in WGVU's Morning Show: The University’s Military and Veterans’ Resource Manager, Jill Wolfe joins Shelley Irwin to cover the Hauenstein Center's upcoming Hidden Wounds of War Conference.
Hidden Wounds of War in WKTV:  WKTV covered the Hauenstein Center's upcoming Hidden Wounds of War Conference. 
Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett in GVNext:  GVNext covered the Hauenstein Center's Third Presidential Roundtable Event with Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett.
Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett in GVNext:  GVNext discussed the Hauenstein Center's upcoming Third Presidential Roundtable Event with Robert Putnam and Shaylyn Romney Garrett.
Astead Herndon and Lisa Desjardins in Holland Sentinel: Holland Sentinel covered the Hauenstein Center's Second Presidential Roundtable Event with Astead Herndon and Lisa Desjardins.
David Eisenhower in the Lanthorn: GVSU's Lanthorn covered the Hauenstein Center's event with David Eisenhower. 
Astead Herndon and Lisa Desjardins in GVNext: GVNext covered the Hauenstein Center's Second Presidential Roundtable Event with Astead Herndon and Lisa Desjardins.
David Eisenhower on WGVU's Morning Show: David Eisenhower and Jakob Bigard join Shelley Irwin to introduce the Hauenstein Center's latest event. 
David Eisenhower in GVNext: GVNext covered the Hauenstein Center's event with David Eisenhower.
Astead  Herndon and Lisa Desjardins in GVNextGVNext discussed the Hauenstein Center's upcoming Second Presidential Roundtable Event with Astead Herndon and Lisa Desjardins.
Jeffrey Rosen on PBS: PBS covered the Hauenstein Center's First Presidential Roundtable Event with Jeffrey Rosen.
Jeffrey Rosen in GVNext: GVNext covered the Hauenstein Center's First Presidential Roundtable Event with Jeffrey Rosen.
Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy in GVNext: GVNext covers the Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy. 
Presidential Roundtable Series in GVNext: GVNext: GVNext covers the Presidential Roundtable Series.
Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy in the Lanthorn: GVSU's Lanthorn covered the Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy. 
Kasey Pipes in the Lanthorn: GVSU's Lanthorn covered the Hauenstein Center's event with Kasey Pipes.
Chief Isaiah McKinnon in the Lanthorn: GVSU's Lanthorn covered the Hauenstein Center's MLK Day event with Chief Isaiah McKinnon.

CLA Student Nate Gillespie on Meet the Press

Past Media Coverage

Previous coverage of the Hauenstein Center in the media is available here.

Gleaves about Ralph

Page last modified October 27, 2023