Veterans Day: Lieutenant Jason Redman

Thank you for your interest in attending Veterans Day: Lieutenant Jason Redman on November 10 at 6 pm. We are excited for you to join us!

If you plan to attend virtually, a zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email once you complete the form!

* denotes a required field

Your Information

A zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email!

Prior to the keynote, we are happy to be hosting a public reception from 5 - 6 pm in the Meijer Regency Room!

How did you hear about this event? *

What is your affiliation with the Hauenstein Center? Check all that apply. *


Guest 1

A zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email!

Prior to the keynote, we are happy to be hosting a public reception from 5 - 6 pm in the Meijer Regency Room!

Guest 2

A zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email!

Prior to the keynote, we are happy to be hosting a public reception from 5 - 6 pm in the Meijer Regency Room!

Guest 3

A zoom link will be provided in the confirmation email!

Prior to the keynote, we are happy to be hosting a public reception from 5 - 6 pm in the Meijer Regency Room!

Human Verification *

Page last modified October 10, 2023