Membership at the Hauenstein Center at Grand Valley State University

We invite you to be a part of our work by becoming a member. As a member, you will receive timely notices of events and the opportunity to meet guest speakers at member-only receptions. Giving levels are as follows...

$150 - Madison

$250 - Jefferson

$500 - Adams

$1,000 - Washington

members interacting with each other at a reception


As a member of the Hauenstein Center, you are invited to participate in members only receptions. These events include heavy hors d'oeuvres and beverages, as well as the opportunity to interact with Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy fellow candidates, other members of the Hauenstein Center, and the speaker. 

danielle allen at reception
members at event
VIP luncheon

VIP Luncheons

Members have the opportunity to receive invitations to VIP luncheons. These events allow members to interact in small group settings with the speaker and other VIP guests. 

VIP place settings
Amity Shlaes VIP luncheon
students and speaker at VIP luncheon
Book Signing

Book Signings

Hauenstein Center event attendees have the opportunity to purchase speaker books at our programs. Often times, the speaker is willing to sign and personalize books while interacting with attendees. 

danielle allen book signing
Brands at event
rosen signing book

Page last modified June 17, 2024