In LeaderLabs, CLA Fellow Candidates explore the connections between leadership and their own experiences. These fellow candidates then speak about their journeys to the full cohort, allowing the speakers to gain valuable public speaking experience while also encouraging other fellow candidates to examine the insights and similar narratives in their own lives.
Next Leader Lab: February 10, 2023
Join us for a workshop on leadership! Three Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy fellow candidate students will share their perspectives on life and leadership, followed by an opportunity for attendees to reflect on their own leadership journeys and experiences through small group discussion. At the end of this event, you will leave with a better understanding of how you can be a leader in your own life. This workshop is open to all GVSU students, so bring your friends. (Did we mention there will be food?!) Mark it on your calendar and RSVP today!
Featured Students:
Jenna Adema
Yasmin Alemayehu
Brooks Twist
Past Leader Lab: Riley Pearl
“Seeking help is important for your trajectory as a leader, and the impact you have...It's identifying when you need help, and recognizing the people that can help you because not all help is good help.”
Dami Olufosoye, CLA Alumna