Stepping Into Leadership: Tricia Thomas
December 1, 2023
A truly empowered citizen looks beyond civic engagement to consider how they can make change in all realms of their lives. Tricia Thomas stands out as an individual who leads within and beyond her role as Dean of the Kirkhof College of Nursing at Grand Valley State University. Throughout her career as a nurse, nurse administrator, educator, and academic leader she has developed a leadership ethos that expands far beyond clinical care. With a passion for developing health leaders who can meet the needs of our communities, a commitment to lifelong learning, and a joyful spirit, Dean Thomas joined us to share her story.

Dr. Tricia Thomas
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Walden University
Master of Science (Nursing), University of Michigan
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Michigan
Associate of Science in Nursing, Lake Superior State College
Board Certifications
Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist, American Nurses Credentialing Center
Advanced Nursing Administration, American Nurses Credentialing Center
Health Care Management, American College of Healthcare Executives
Clinical Nurse Leader, Commission on Certification
Fellowships and Training
National Leadership Academy, Executive Leadership Development
Center for Creative Leadership, 360 Assessment Certification
International Coach Federation (ICF) Certified Executive Coach, Associate Certified Coach
Just Culture Leadership Certification, Outcomes Ingenuity
Patient Safety Leadership Certification, Duke University
Nursing Leadership
Interprofessional education, collaboration
Shared and horizontal leadership
Health care reform, policy, and advocacy
Nursing research and evidence-based practice
Scholarship/Research Interests.
Nursing leadership, leadership coaching, and development
Clinical leadership development
Evidence-based practice and outcomes
Care Coordination/Care Transitions
Strategies for interprofessional education, research and outcomes
Selected Publications
Editor: James Harris, Linda Roussel, Catherine Dearman, Patricia Thomas, Project Planning and Management: A Guide for Nurses and Interprofessional Teams 2nd edition, Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2016).
Editor: Linda Roussel, Patricia Thomas, James Harris, Management and Leadership for Nurse Administrators, 7th edition, Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2015).
Editor: James Harris, Linda Roussel, Patricia Thomas, Initiating and Sustaining the Clinical Nurse Leader Role: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edition, Jones & Bartlett Publishers (2013).
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Duffy S., Ronis D., Karvonen-Gutierrez C., Ewing, L., Hall, S., Yang, J., Thomas P., Werkema C., Maguire K., Friedman L., Gray D., & Jordan N. (2016). Effectiveness of the Tobacco Tactics Program in the Trinity Health System, American Journal of Preventative Medicine.
Nelson, J., Thiel, L., Hozak, M., & Thomas, P. (2016). Item Reduction of the Caring Factor Survey – Care Provider Version, an Instrument Specified to Measure Watson’s 10 Processes of Caring. International Journal for Human Caring, 20(3).
Thomas, P. (2015). Book Review, Reflective Practice in Nursing (2nd edition) by Lioba Howatson-Jones, Nursing, Science Quarterly, 28(4) 336–338.
Thomas, P. (2013). Book Review, Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives for Advanced Nursing Practice (5th ed.), by W. K. Cody (Ed.)., Nursing Science Quarterly, 26(2), p. 199-201.
Duffy, S., Ronis, D., Titler, M., Blow, F., Jordan, N., Thomas, P. , Landstrom, G., Ewing, L. , & Waltje, A. (2012). Dissemination of the nurse-administered Tobacco Tactics intervention versus usual care in six Trinity community hospitals, Trials Journal March 12, 2012.
Thomas, P. (2012). Charge Nurses as Front-Line Leaders: Development through Transformative Learning, Journal of Continuing Nursing Education, 43(2):67-74.
Professional Memberships
Michigan Organization of Nurse Executives
Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society, Rho Chapter
American Nurses Association
American Organization of Nurse Executive