GLACURH 2018 - Oakland University
NACURH 2018 - Tempe, AZ

National Association for College and Residence Halls (NACURH)

NACURH stands for the National Association of College and University Residence Halls. This international Company is the largest student ran organization in the world. They oversee all the different regions, like GLACURH, and ensure that they are speaking up for all students regardless of background. NACURH, and all of its entities ensures that there is inclusivity at an institutional level. NACHURH strives to empower student leaders within residence halls through motivation and skill-building to ensure a positive and impactful campus community experience. It strives to create networks of engaged citizens with common experiences shared through residential leadership opportunities.

Grand Valley State University's Residence Housing Association (RHA) sponsors delegations to both the regional and national conferences hosted by GLACURH and NACURH each year. Students develop team-building and time management skills as they work on pre-conference projects. Once there, students embark on a weekend's worth of programming and educational activities that expand students' leadership and professional skills. Aside from this growth, students are able to create long-lasting memories and even longer-lasting friendships.

The NACURH Annual Conference is a conference that students from around the world attend. Here similar programs to RLC are offered. Here there is more conversation about how to help organizations on your campus and how to be a successful student. The NACURH Annual conference moves around the continental United States every year. 

Page last modified April 11, 2022