Temporary Hourly Staff Policies
1. Appointments
Temporary hourly staff members are employees appointed to part-time or full-time positions created for temporary purposes. Such purposes can include: working on grants or contracts, filling in for regular staff that may be absent, completing specific projects, augmenting regular staff, and for other similar purposes.
Temporary hourly staff members are employed at the University on an at-will basis and have the right to terminate their employment at any time, with or without notice, for any or no reason. Likewise, the University retains the same rights. Nothing in University practice or policy should be construed to entitle a temporary hourly staff member to continuing employment, or employment for a specified amount of time.
Appointments will be made for a limited and expressly stated term no longer than six months (consecutive or non-consecutive) and are not renewable without the written authorization of Human Resources. Additionally, students cannot be hired as temporary staff.
2. Working Hours
While working hours will vary according to the needs of the department, temporary hourly staff cannot work more than 29 hours per week without prior permission from Human Resources. Any assignment with more than a 29 hour time commitment expectation will not be entered on payroll without Human Resources approval.
3. Monetary Compensation
- Basis for Pay
Temporary staff members rate of pay shall be determined based on the duties of their assignment. All compensation shall be based only on time worked.
- Overtime
Temporary hourly staff members need prior approval from their supervisor before they work any overtime in order to receive overtime pay. For approved overtime, a staff member shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half his/her hourly rate for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week.
4. Pay Schedule
Paychecks for temporary hourly staff members are on a bi-weekly basis. Information about payroll, including the payroll calendar, direct deposit forms, and instructions on how to log work hours, can be found at www.gvsu.edu/payroll.
5. Holidays
Temporary hourly staff members are not eligible for holiday pay. The University's holidays are listed below (normally including the Friday proceeding any listed holiday which falls on Saturday and the Monday following any listed holiday which falls on Sunday). The holidays are:
New Year's Day Day following Thanksgiving Day
Memorial Day Day preceding Christmas Day
Independence Day Christmas Day
Labor Day Day preceding New Year's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Temporary hourly staff members required to work on an approved calendar holiday will be compensated at their regular hourly rate for all hours worked on the holiday.
6. Obligation of Appointees
As the result of accepting a temporary hourly staff appointment, the recipient becomes obligated to comply with all policies and regulations of the University applicable to his/her position including those in effect at the time of his/her appointment and those duly adopted and issued thereafter.
7. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
The president and other officers to whom he/she designates authority for personnel actions are responsible for the enthusiastic application of all laws and regulations concerning fair employment practices, equal opportunity, etc., to all matters with respect to recruitment, appointment, assignment, and promotion of university's personnel. Matters of affirmative action are outlined in the "Affirmative Action Program" maintained in the affirmative action office. Click here for more information.
8. Anti-Harassment Policy
Click here for more information about the Anti-Harassment Policy.
9. Bias Incident Reporting
Click here for more information about Bias Incident Reporting.
10. Complaint Procedure
A temporary hourly staff member may file a complaint concerning an issue or incident within the University. This process cannot be used for issues related to terms and conditions of employment. To file a complaint, call Human Resources at (616) 331-2215.
11. Personnel Information
All personnel information and files maintained by Grand Valley State University are the confidential property of the University and are maintained in Human Resources. Employees can expect that a right to a reasonable degree of privacy will be honored and that the confidential character of certain personnel data will be respected as such. Whenever possible, information released for public purposes shall be in a form, which will protect the anonymity of the individual. All personnel information collected shall be pertinent to the needs of the University.
12. Personnel File
Access to personnel files is limited to those persons responsible for personnel, the employee, and the employee's supervisor. Personnel files for temporary hourly staff may include, but are not limited to, payroll information and documentations, records of employment actions and documentations, records required by federal, state and local law, employment applications, resumes, testing scores, reference check information, recommendations, interview comments, and such other information as may be needed from time to time.
All personnel records of active employees will be retained for the length of the employee's service and thereafter in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws.
13. Employment Verification(s)
The University will provide prospective employers with title, employment dates, and eligibility for rehire status only, unless the employee or former employee requests additional information. The University will also respond to both verbal and written employment verification(s) as required by mortgage lenders, or pursuant to court requests.
14. Conflict of Interest - Employment
Appointment of any relative of an employee to a temporary hourly staff position must be approved by the president in advance of the appointment in order to ensure that no conflicts of interest exist.
15. Applying for Open Positions
Temporary staff members are permitted to apply to open positions at the University.
16. Benefits
Temporary hourly staff members are not eligible for health, disability, or retirement benefits.
17. Smoking Policy
Smoking is prohibited in GVSU buildings. Click here for more information about the Smoking Policy.
18. Worker's Compensation Policy
Click here for more information about the Worker's Compensation Policy.
19. Family & Medical Leave Policy
Click here for more information about the Family & Medical Leave Policy
20. Parking Permits
A parking permit will be issued, if needed, after a temporary staff members position has been approved through Human Resources. The parking permit will allow the temporary staff member to park in the designated faculty/staff parking lots. If assigned at one of the University's other locations, parking arrangements or instructions will be given.
21. Keys
The issuing of keys must be authorized by an appointing officer/dean before they are issued to a temporary hourly staff member. All keys and such equipment must be used only as authorized and must be returned to the University upon termination of employment or upon request.
22. Identification Cards
An identification card is available in Human Resources upon request. This card can be used for any purpose, on campus, requiring identification and must be surrendered upon termination.
If you should have any questions regarding the Temporary Hourly Handbook, please contact Human Resources at (616) 331-2215 or at [email protected].