

HRSA ANEW Grant Year in Review

July 9, 2021

A look back at the 2020-2021 grant year.

Nursing Career Growth Through Health Information Technology

May 25, 2021

This spring, the Kirkhof College of Nursing graduated its first cohort in the graduate Interprofessional Health Informatics Certificate program.

Nursing graduate program recognized as a top program in the nation

March 31, 2021

Grand Valley's Doctor of Nursing Practice program has been ranked as one of the best in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.

Working nurses advance their education at KCON, deepen commitment to health care in underserved areas

June 25, 2020

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, seven working nurses have continued their commitment to serving rural and underserved populations by advancing their education to become nurse practitioners with the help of a federal grant awarded to GVSU.

Page last modified July 9, 2021