About Us
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at GVSU is charged with reviewing all research protocols involving human participants to ensure research is conducted ethically and in compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. The IRB is comprised of scientists, non-scientists, and community members. The board composition meets the requirements to review human subjects research as established by the federal Office of Human Research Protections.
Contact Us:
Jeffrey Potteiger, Ph.D.: Authorizing Institutional Official, Research Integrity Officer, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Studies
Office Address: 310C Richard M DeVos Center
Email: potteigj@gvsu.edu
Phone: (616) 331-7207
Kevin Lehnert, Ph.D., M.B.A.: Chair of the IRB
Office Address: 3116 L. William Seidman Center
Email: lehnertk@gvsu.edu
Phone: (616) 331-7471
Naomi Aldrich, Ph.D.: Vice chair of the IRB
Office Address: 2137 Au Sable Hall
Email: aldrichn@gvsu.edu
Phone: (616) 331-2419
Robert Smart, Ph.D.: Vice Provost for Research Administration, Executive Director for the CSCE
Office Address: 049 James H Zumberge Hall
Email: smartr@gvsu.edu
Phone: (616) 331-2281
Benjamin Vesper, Ph.D., M.B.A., PMP, CIP: Director, Office of Research Compliance and Integrity
Office Address: 049 James H. Zumberge Hall
Email: vesperb@gvsu.edu
Phone: (616) 331-9137
Kaitlyn Daza, Ph.D.: Research Compliance Specialist, Office of Research Compliance and Integrity
Office Address: 049 James H. Zumberge Hall
Email: dazaka@gvsu.edu
Phone: (616) 331-9438
Stacey Gardner, CIP: Adjunct Senior Research Compliance Specialist, Office of Research Compliance and Integrity (part-time)
Email: gardnsta@gvsu.edu
Adverse Event Reporting
If you notice or experience an adverse event in human subjects research, contact the Office of Research Compliance and Integrity immediately!
Office Address: 049 James H Zumberge Hall
Email: rci@gvsu.edu
Phone: (616) 331-3197
Federalwide Assurance
GVSU's FWA#: 00002829 (Expiration Date: October 20, 2025)
GVSU's Institutional Review Board is registered with the Office for Human Research Protections.