External Research Recruitment Requests

When external (non-GVSU) researchers want to recruit GVSU faculty, staff or students to participate in their research studies, permission is required before this opportunity can be disseminated.  Once the request form has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the Office of Research Compliance and Integrity to verify GVSU is not engaged in the research.  It will then be reviewed by research leadership, as well as department leadership in certain circumstances, to determine if the researcher has permission to move forward with recruitment at GVSU.  In most cases, the external researcher will receive a decision within a few business days.  

In some cases, the GVSU Office of Institutional Analysis will distribute the recruitment email to a random sample of GVSU students, faculty, or staff.  This process ensures no identifiable information is released to the external researcher, further protecting the GVSU research participants.

Researchers are encouraged to contact the Office of Research Compliance and Integrity with questions about this process:  rci@gvsu.edu or (616) 331-3197.

Non-GVSU researchers must complete this form to receive permission to recruit GVSU students, faculty and staff.

* denotes a required field

External Research Recruitment Request Form

Human Verification *

Page last modified November 18, 2021