Mentorship Committee End of Year Report 2021-2022

Committee Members From This Past Year

  • Mary Nuznov (Chair)
  • V’Lecea Hunter (Member)
  • Mike Messner (Member)
  • Cassonya Carter (Member)
  • Mae Rickey (CSAL Student Representative)

Vacancies you will have in F22/W23:

Two member positions

CSAL Grad Student Position

During the past year, how did the committee work positively impact your advising skills?

A highlight of the mentorship committee is that not only does the committee get exposed to other advisors in other areas of the university, but the whole function of our committee is to build connections within the LAAN community. As committee chair, I have gotten to meet and work with some amazing advisors at GVSU and within the large NACADA community.

As a mentor in the first cohort, I have gotten to talk with newer members of the GVSU community and hear their insights and concerns.

We have received overwhelmingly positive feedback from cohort members regarding the development and function of the program.

What accomplishments did your committee achieve during this past academic year? Projects and initiatives worked on?

We launched our first cohort of mentors and mentees with 7 pairs. These pairs were matched in August 2021 and will be paired until August 2022 when the second cohort is released. There was a mentor training session to help prepare our new mentors with the responsibilities moving forward. Many of which said training was a nice experience in helping them prepare for their commitment for the year ahead.

We sent out a monthly email to all people participating in the cohort about up-coming events that could be a good for mentors and mentees to attend together.

We hosted several events including December in-person lunch social and a winter semester “Blue Table Talk”. Both were well attended, and survey results were positive for both events. During this process we learned how to host an on-campus event, during covid.

What work will you carry over that was unfinished to the next academic year?

Next year we will launch our second cohort, but also look at expanding the size of the mentoring pairs. We would like to possibly expand our reach to success coaches, and graduate students.

Additionally, we would like to work with other committees to expand the concept of the “Blue Table Talks” and open them to more than just the mentoring community.

What benefits would advisors gain by joining your committee for F22/W23?

Any advisor joining the mentoring committee for the 2022/2023 academic year would have the privilege of growing and expending the mentoring community at GVSU. Additionally, they would get to sit on a committee with some of the most knowledgeable and academically generous advisors in the LAAN community. The 2022/2023 committee is going to get to nurture and help the mentoring program grow into a larger and more comprehensive program. If you are looking for a way to make an impact at GVSU the best two ways I can see are 1. Being a mentor or mentee, or 2. Being a committee member for this committee.

Page last modified June 13, 2022