Training and Development Committee End of Year Report 2021-2022

Committee Members From This Past Year

  • Tami DeFouw (Chair)
  • Mackenzie Prins (Co-Chair)
  • Brianne Perez (Member)
  • Jen Jameslyn (Member)

Vacancies you will have in F22/W23:

Two member positions

CSAL Student Representative

During the past year, how did the committee work positively impact your advising skills?

Our group did have plans of a training session in April highlighting Counseling Center services/students who have been experiencing emotional and psychological distress. Additionally, we chose to feature Disability Support Resources on this training. We wanted to talk through how advising teams can best work collaboratively with DSR and how to best support DSR students.

We did decide to delay this training session and allow much needed time for LAAN to come together and discuss changes and initiatives in advising for 2022-2023 academic year.  

What accomplishments did your committee achieve during this past academic year? Projects and initiatives worked on?

Most of our work was focused on the training session for April that we did not go through with for this year. We are now working on finalizing details for LAAN start-up meeting on August 15th.

What work will you carry over that was unfinished to the next academic year?

Our plan is to continue meeting this spring/summer semester to finalize the semester start-up agenda and specifics for this event. As well as continue to work with Julie Amon on plans for a LAAN appreciative advising session in August.

Page last modified June 3, 2022