Latinx Graduation FAQ

Latinx Graduation FAQ

1. Who is invited to process at the 2024 Latinx Graduation Celebration?

-The Latinx Graduation Celebration is designed to honor Latinx heritage, culture and traditions. Students who are within 30 credits of graduating are invited to process. Students are allowed to bring guests with them to the event itself. There is no limit to how many guests a student can bring. Faculty/staff are also invited to the celebration. 

2. When does registration open? 

-An invitation will be sent out to students who have more than 88 credits via email. Registration will open in March. 

3. Where do my guests and I park? 

-Students and guests are invited to park in lots H2 and K1.

4. Will the celebration be hosted in English, Spanish, or Bilingual? 

-The celebration will be hosted primarily in English but some speakers will translate portions of their speech in Spanish. 

5. What type of refreshments will be offered at the celebration?

-Typically, Lakers Unidos! funds a lunch proceeding the celebration. 

6. If I cannot attend the celebration, am I still able to receive a serape stole? 

-Yes, you are able to still receive a stole please contact Adrian Hall [email protected] if you are unable to attend the celebration 


Page last modified April 1, 2024